One of those games I got to the very end as a kid on my own, and got my ass kicked at the end and knowing how costly “lives” were in these old arcade games. Knowing I had to start all the way over from the beginning. Feeling unsatisfied from not finishing the game, the journey and, most of all, the gameplay are what’s important here. This is just one of those games that I wish I could re-experience again. It’s off the wall, it’s absurd with its zany cartoony humor, it even fucking introduced me to Beethoven and Mozart??? But most of all it’s got lots of GUNS. AND THEY GO BOOM. And your best pal is a giant booger.

I fucking love Earth Worm Jim 2 ok.

First time I ever experienced the blue little speedster and probably the very first co-op game I really enjoyed. Me and my sister had a blast and great memories playing this and this made the experience with the Sega Genesis even more memorable.

Probably the pioneer of not just blockbuster or even platform games, and not just games in general, but games with objective and a linear pathway with a story. This game is eternal.

Still the best version of Pac-Man.

One of the very first games I played as a kid and still play it at 32 and still get the same kick out of it as I did back then. One of the early essences of shooters and even if it gets frustrating, I still am having a blast. That’s a true game right there imo. Instant classic.

I was 5 and this was quite possibly one of the hardest games I ever fucking played in my life. The soundtrack by Jesper Kyd is hot as fuck tho. And supposedly this game was a bit ahead of its time on a technical aspect. Some really smart guys really helped designed this game, and I mean like, real smart programmers. They didn’t need to go this hard on a game based on the Batman cartoon.

Also first review here on Backloggd ayyyy.