88 reviews liked by Exellock

ironic how the VN with the message of living happily has the fanbase with the most miserable people in it

More Doom II (if you're into that kinda shit)

Ending was insane!!!11!11!

If this game was a person I'd beat the shit out of it.

"One thing, Peter. Where's this plane heading, anyway?"

Following D2 up with this was an insane choice that really paid off. Sad to see all the characters from The Silver Case and The 25th Ward go, but happy for the memories and messages they imparted on me. This series is really something special, something so universally applicable and strange that it instantly burrowed its way into my brain and heart. Sometimes the minute interactions we have with people we only see once or twice keep us going, the reminder that we are all humans, living in a vast pool of confusion and mystery, and nobody really knows what is going on until we finally confront death and life head on. What a perfect piece of media, that will surely age well as time goes on.

"It's set to touch down in the real world."

one can only dream of voting for the republic party

First time I played Killer7 I fell into a routine and just didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to.
On replay it fully clicked, I love this game. The criticism of american and just overall imperial cultures, the mystery surrounding the Killer7 and each character and relationship between Harmen and Kun Lan.

My only issue with the game this go around was that you can really feel the fact the writing was culled as a lot of the characters really don't get much in terms of character apart from Dan, Mask and of course Garcian.
This is a game that I know I will find more love in as I play it again and again

Fun with interesting ideas and characters. A slog without speeding up combat
Definitely a precursor to Earthbound, can't rate it any higher due to how slow combat is

Very unique game for its time and I really enjoyed my playthrough of it since I have a bit of a soft spot for really old turn-based JRPG games.

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20 Games