Really damn cool story with a lot of really interesting angles it can be approached from.
It's got a lot of the quirks of Uchikoshi's other works, but by this point I'm cool with them, which made this a really fun ride.

Was really fun seeing what this one was all about, even if using a script did kinda take me out of it a bit.
It's pretty fun for the most part and has a great soundtrack and vibe, but MAN do some of those late-game dungeons drag.

This is better then the Genesis version

Honestly a pretty sizable improvement over its GBA predecessor, this one actually feels a lot more like a Donkey Kong game which is neat. Has it's share of frustrating moments, but it's otherwise a decent time.

This game is still great! Don't play with hacks that make the controls easier, the game is very much built with the limited movement in mind

Played with New 3DS overclocking which turned this from an unstable 20fps into a super smooth 60, sucks it wasn't optimized for the og hardware, but at least now we have a really good 3DS version of Rayman 2, even if it's a bit too dark is some places.

Honestly, a REALLY damn fun game!
It's a huge improvement over the Last 3DS game, with far smoother controls and level design.
NGL I think this would've been remembered far more fondly if it wasn't tied down by the Boom title, which is a shame.

I know most folks are kinda sick of hearing people praise this game nowadays, but still, that's for a reason, it's still a masterpiece!

It has some issues no doubt, but still I love Stormblood, the music is once again amazing, and the story I found to be enjoyable, with some really cool and fun side quests, it doesn't deserve the "lesser" reputation it has, this is still absolutely worth the playthrough!

I always found the hate this game received when it was revealed to be really over the top, this was only 3 years after Pikmin 3, yet the internet acted like this was some dead series, at the end of the day this is mostly just a fun little harmless spinoff, It's very different from the mainline games, but I don't think there's much wrong with that, it just helps making the Pikmin IP more widespread

This one is cool! Has some amazing music and some really great moments, it is WAY better then ARR in pretty much every way.
However, compared to some of the other FF games, I wouldn't say that this is one of the best ones, it does still have some growing pains which would be ironed out in later expansions

Fun expansion campaign, had more original stuff then the entirety of Doom II which was funny.
New weapons were pretty cool and fun to use, though the level design did get a tad too repetitive in some parts.