I feel like you gotta be fine with the absurd amount of filler and padding to give this anything close to 5 stars. This game is basically style over substance which is kinda in stark contrast to the original TWEWY which oozed both.

Rindo's main gimmick sounds cool on paper, but it only serves to drag out the game in the most repetitious way possible, especially in the late game where it becomes NEO's main crutch. All I'm saying, this game could do with being about 15 hours shorter. The soundtrack, cast of characters (even though they aren't given as much depth or time to shine as the original cast), and combat are awesome, but everything else about this game makes it unreplayable to me.

played this at a friend's house once and god is this game a piece of garbage. how tf did Sega think this was a worthy entry into one of Sonic's most respected spin off series.

I despise playing this so far. The worst and least responsive 2D platformer I think I've ever played.

Finished and yeah it's lame asf. Glad we have better 2D platformers like Celeste now.

In case there was any doubt: It's peak.

Story is peak and everything about this game from a presentation perspective is amazing.

Unfortunately the game has not aged well at all. The combat is extremely half-baked especially towards the latter half of the game where the it expects you to endure a shit ton of BS. I actually ended up enjoying Disc 2 way more than Disc 1 simply because it gives you less shitty gameplay and a lot more juicy story.

The dungeon design is boring and bland. The random encounter rate is completely fucked to the point where you won't even be able to walk 5 steps without an battle.

On top of that everything in this game is slow. Simply navigating UI, opening menus, and saving takes forever. Even the text scrolls at a snails pace with no way to skip or make it go faster. (This makes it doubly annoying when you have to reload a save after wiping to the game's semi-frequent bullshit boss fight)

I can't imagine how anyone would be able to get this through this game without save states and fast forwarding. Like please, if you're going to play this in the year 2023, play it on an emulator. You will want to kill yourself otherwise.

That said, even with all these flaws this is still Takahashi's magnum opus in terms of narrative as well as soul. I'm not kidding when I say that this game clears every Xenoblade game in terms of story and characters. Fei literally makes Shulk, Rex, and Noah look like loser virgins in comparison.

One thing that left much to be desired is the soundtrack. There are a handful of tracks I got sick if hearing by the halfway point due to how much they're spammed in cutscenes and battle sequences. There's also not a lot of particularly good songs either. Many of the best tracks only appear in Disc 2 or in scenes to supplement a tragic event. There were also a few times where I felt the song playing during a scene did not fit whatsoever with what was happening.
^All in all this game desperately needed more original and diverse tracks because many of them got repetitive fast.

tl;dr it's a great game with a story that makes it very easy to overlook some of it's flaws. It's very much outdated gameplay design-wise and lacks some of the polish that even JRPGs back in the PS1 era had. DO NOT play this game on anything but an emulator. The ability to fast forward and create save states are very much required to enjoy this game in the year 2023.

One of the PS1 era games that still holds up. Soundtrack is especially a bop and Specter's still the pretentious little shitter I remember him to be.

Also no I didn't get the true ending.

I had no idea what Classicvania was gonna play like going in, but this did not disappoint. It's a bit bullshit but not bullshit enough for me to not have fun with it. It honestly felt so rewarding when I'd die over and over to a stage, and by the 7th attempt, I've downloaded the entire thing into my brain, doing everything hitless, and then absolutely demolishing the boss at the end.

tragic that this game don't got online multiplayer.

This game goes hard on 5x speed 🔥🔥🔥🔥.

The biggest flaw of this game is how much it makes you walk back and forth and for long (and I mean LONG) stretches of time. I was only able to tolerate this game through fast forward on emulation. I get the game jokes about how much you have to walk and it's self aware, but it really does not make it any tolerable.

With that gripe out of the way, this is by far one of Suda's best writing work and if you've already played TSC, it's a MUST play on the condition that you emulate while fast forwarding through boring shit. I repeat, do not play this on original hardware, you will hate yourself!!!