It's more Katamari. It's peak. What more can you really ask for?

Beating it is a perfect experience, but the 100% completion process made it all stop being fun. I'm actually just gonna quit here before it taints my view of the game.

I'm a little miffed that the DLC does nothing to change the ending despite all that the narrative built up and implied about Clive becoming a complete vessel.

Ignoring that though, this DLC was good. The only unfortunate thing to come out of this honestly is the fact I can't continue my track record of getting all the trophies for XVI because the Kairos combat trial is too hard and time-consuming for me.

I would not be getting any alchemy done with Noah around alls I'm sayin

This is the most bored I've felt playing a fighting game ever.

I ain't finished it yet but Sonic Team can't cook. The open world additions are fine and dandy but the Koco Trials and new Cyberspace levels are horribly designed. They're not even hard, just abysmal and embarrassing.

I think the cherry on top of this steaming pile of shit is that they make you do the "run up" before every Titan boss. Meaning, instead of actually fighting the boss. You're wasting 5 minutes doing nothing but running in a straight line before you can actually fight it such as in the case of Wyvern. Oh and if you lose this bullshit boss rush? Have fun wasting 5 minutes all over again!!!

After finishing this, can safely say that final boss was not worth the entire slog of this update. The open world additions, new playable characters, and music are positives but everything else is 🚮

It's not as good as Sky 3rd but I like the SSS a lot. By far my favorite cast of main characters. There's some filler and slow moments but it wasn't enough to make me loathe it like FC.

Trails burnout kicking in and it's definitely because of the fact these games are so fucking long. The writing's good and all but after Sky trilogy, I don't think this series has anything left that's going to really impress me.

Yeah, Zero's great. Sky 3rd is phenomenal, but I feel like I'm playing the series not because I really want to but because it's a ride that I've hopped on and it'd be weird to jump off it right in the middle.

9.5/10. It's literally almost perfect but still a vast improvement of Yakuza: Like A Dragon.

It's fucking peak. 2nd RGG game to make me tear up man this series just can't miss once.

This isn't anywhere near as good as Mania but it's just alright for a classic Sonic game. I appreciate the original levels. Though for them being fun, it's kinda hit or miss. Speaking of hit or miss: THE MUSIC. This is the most bipolar OST I've heard in a Sonic game. Half the songs are dogshit blast processing soundalikes while others are bangers (namely from Tee Lopes).

The Chaos Emerald powerups which are the main gimmick of this game (aside from being 4 players) are insanely broken in a bad way. They're similar to the gem powerups in Sonic 06 but I'd say they bug the game out even more. Many of the softlocks I encountered were due mainly to these. Also you can tell they just threw darts at a wall to come up with these powers. The vine power is completely useless and the duplication power is so unbalanced that it beams 60% of the bosses upon use.

Also this is probably just a Switch issue but the game crashed on me like 4 times throughout my whole playthrough. Probably best to get literally any other version just for the sake of running better.

All in all. This game is fun and as if this were a $20 game, I'd say I got my moneys worth. But this just doesn't justify a $60 purchase sadly.

I got this game because a friend really wanted me to play it and go in completely blind. I'm only 3 cycles in right now and nothing could've prepared me for how scared shitless I'd become while playing this. It's probably one of the few games out there that makes being at the bottom of the food chain a genuinely horrifying experience.

Not only are you trying to hunt lesser creatures for survival, but you also have to deal with bigger eldritch horrors hunting you relentlessly for their own survival. It's fucked up.

Super inspired indie game. It's main gimmick is a bit repetitive but they use it in really clever ways that I could really appreciate. The boss battles, OST, and some of the character interactions (namely with Chicory) REALLY carry this game.

Also yes, this is yet another indie game that's secretly about depression and anxiety. It's one of the good ones though, trust.

The game's fun to play but terrible to progress. Having to complete a subset of arbitrary challenge requirements to unlock new levels isn't something I'd call enjoyable.

I don't know why devs feel the need to pad out shit by assigning unfun chores just to see more of the game.

The moment the credits rolled I audibly said "Ok."

I think my main problem with this game is that nothing really happens for the vast majority of the story and then they kinda just throw every plot-important thing at the end.

It's deflating honestly. It's to the point where I didn't even know the game was gearing up to end until I got the "this is a point of no return" pop-up.

I mean atleast the open world gameplay loop was fun enough to motivate me to see this through to the end.