goated. For my first 2D Metroid, this shit did not disappoint.

Was reminiscing on some shit and remembered I traded in like 4 of my Wii games just to cop this shit and I'm still bitter about it so I'm dropping my rating to a half star. Actually lost 4 actually decent Wii games just for this mid ass snooze fest.

This by no means is a perfect game but it's scratching so many itches that it's already one of my favorite games I've played this whole year.

It's just a beautiful love letter to fans of the Dreamcast era with a top tier soundtrack and lots of care put into it.

Like you know a game is GOOD when you actually want to 100% it before even finishing the main story.

The main story isn't good but it's interesting. It's not great in execution, but I enjoyed what it was trying to do especially with it's message and plot twists.

It was better than that shitass remake but just like every R&C game in the last decade it lacks any soul whatsoever. Every character's personality is now reduced down to being a walking "quips" dispenser. Regardless it is still fun gameplay-wise though you'd have to try REALLY hard to make R&C basic gameplay loop not fun. Also the visuals are extremely good, I'll give it that.

I just started but man I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to finish this if I keep having to bust it down to these BANGER ASS TRACKS

After finishing the game I can safely say this trilogy, that being The Silver Case, Flower, Sun, and Rain, and The 25th Ward are worth playing 100%. There's some moments in this game that I don't think will ever leave my mind man. The main writers, Masahi Ooka, Sako Kato, Masahiro Yuki, as well as Suda51 all did an amazing job tying and creating the stories surrounding the RAB and HC Unit. This shit gave me the full range of emotions. I teared up, I laughed, I got shocked.

Really ain't much else to say but this was peak fiction.

Gravity Rush 2 is like Gravity Rush 1 but twice as long and padded with more mundane and boring shit. Instead of giving you a fun game where you get to bend gravity to your will in fun ways, there's instead copious amounts of lame stealth missions where enemy line of sight is not defined at all and they can see you despite being 100ft in the air. Or missions where all you do is talk to people over and over again for 20 minutes with nothing fun happening inbetween. There's even a fucking mission where you wait in an actual line for 5 minutes where nothing happens at all.

This is the most style of substance game I think I've ever played because the artstyle is great, the music is wonderful, the world is amazing and a place I'd want to live in, I love Kat and Raven as characters, but I actually loathe the combat and the story sucks to the point where I don't know why they bothered having one in the first place.

They got you doin some pretty boring and tediously designed shit sometimes, but it makes up for it by having the most peak VN storytelling.

I personally liked it more than Gone Home. It's a "corpo bad" story, but I genuinely enjoyed seeing the characters react to the events unfolding in the way they do.

There's only like 8 actual "scenes" in the game, but it's made in a way that each one is packed with so much character interaction to the point where it felt like me and the main character knew these characters very intimately despite not even being present when the AR recordings took place. You have to rewind each AR recording just to see every angle of an event. I didn't think much of this mechanic at first, but it actually kind of made it a lot more interesting and engaging.

This would be an 8/10, but I was a little underwhelmed by how the game ended which is a common trend with Fullbright games. I thought they were cooking up some fine ass fucking cuisine during the climax of the game and I was waiting for an end reveal to feed me for days, but instead I just got some microwaved mashed potatoes as my reward for getting to the end.

Stars not indicative of my enjoyment but 3 stars since I know it could use a lot of improvements. Right now it's a game with charm and LOTS of polishing and added content needed.