14 reviews liked by FSP95

Who would have thought Mario's best 2D adventure was not even a proper Mario game? To me, this is the pinnacle of 2D platforming and 2D level design. On top of that, the main concept and mechanics are all great and clever, and the artstyle wraps it all up in a masterfully ludonarratively harmonious game.

Man, it sure is a shame that Metroid Fusion took a more linear approach to its world design. It feels like a step down from Super because of that.

Alright, that’s all for criticisms. Metroid Fusion is fucking awesome.

Despite its linear structure, Fusion is still packed full of secrets, sequence-breaking opportunities, and classic items that make you feel more powerful as the game progresses. So, even though it’s linear, it still succeeds as a Metroid game with flying colors.

We’ve also got gorgeous 32-bit visuals, a catchy score, and tough-as-nails combat and boss battles (you can tell that the devs at MercurySteam are fans of this game). The story is also pretty compelling, diving into a new parasitic alien race and the corruption within the Galactic Federation, all while Samus is being stalked by a relentless clone of herself known as the SA-X. Every time the SA-X shows up, the game becomes straight-up survival horror, and it’s awesome. Metroid sure knows how to make players feel scared and alone, and Fusion is no exception.

I don’t know, man. Metroid Fusion is great. It may not be as good as some other Metroid games, but… it’s still Metroid, so it still fucking rules.

Damn, imagine if there wasn't enemies every 5 seconds to hit you with hit scan bullets that you can't avoid and drain your health packs. Could've been a fun game :( sad.

BEST Metroidvania out there, even beating the namesakes of its genre by far. Unbelievable that it was made by a team of 3 and for a price of $15 dollars.

Things learned while playing Cookie Clicker:

1. Patience is a virtue

In order to level all the buildings to level 10, you require 55 sugar lumps for each building. You get about one sugar lump each day, and while you're able to expedite the process through various ways, it still requires a heavy time sink. There is an achievement for each building that reaches level 10. This is the true core of Cookie Clicker's idling mechanic.

2. Do not fear the unknown

As a simple idle game, some players may be intimidated or overwhelmed by the accompanying mini games of Cookie Clicker, particularly the garden and the stock exchange. While they may seem like a slog at first, they eventually come to be a comforting constant of the gameplay. Buy low, sell high, mutate a few plants to unlock a new plant. Your efforts are rewarded with some pocket change and 10 sugar lumps for every time you complete the seed collection. Don't spend too much time avoiding them; the sooner you start the better.

3. Success is mostly luck-based

It helps to know what you're doing and to know what to expect, but for the most part you just have to hope for the stars to align in your favor. Golden cookie chains require careful planning and keeping an eye on a few key elements, but a lot of it boils down to waiting for the right combination to grace your screen. Those buildings ain't cheap.

4. You can still make progress while running in place

Once you've unlocked all the ascension upgrades and gotten deep into regular upgrades (we're talking cookie-upgrades only. No more building upgrades to buy), it's a pretty hard wall. Sure, you can keep ascending, but that interrupts your precious garden and the drive to get all those sugar lumps. Ultimately it becomes a test of will more than a test of skill: do you still want to keep playing? Is this still fun for you? Or do you prefer to yield more agency over your video games?

5. Cheated cookies taste awful

You know you can unlock all the achievements through a simple in-game console command, right? It's not that hard, I think a few of my steam friends have all of the achievements unlocked because of this.

Sure, the destination will look the same for everyone, but the journey will always be different. Think about where you wanted to stop, and why you started it all over again. Do the achievements give it meaning, or do we assign the meaning ourselves? If I were to do it all over again, would I do anything different? There's only one way to know for sure.

Me, an ice-9 connoisseur, when I get locked in a freezer unexpectedly: https://imgur.com/a/Ks7HrbY

Uma das piores dlcs que já joguei, consegue ser pior que o jogo base e isso não é uma tarefa fácil. Inclusive a melhor coisa dessa porra é a boss fight do Burnt Ivory King, e msm assim ela não chega perto de ser boa como dizem, é uma luta legal e nada mais que isso (além da gimmick ser uma bosta)

E não, eu não fiz a boss fight do Lud e Zallen por motivos de: Frigid Outskirts. Não sou masoquista, se eu tivesse feito essa merda a minha nota estaria mais baixa ainda.

Echochrome tem um conceito muito bacana que se perde no tom monótono da direção de arte e som.

É daqueles jogos geniais cujo conceito vai cansando muitas vezes porque como produto ele precisa entregar uma certa quantidade de "conteúdo" pra justificar sua precificação.

Uma duração mais reduzida teria feito dele um título mais sólido, além de uma variação maior da trilha sonora.

who fucking made this shit. sucks ass. i know the gameboy was limited but some of these levels are just barren hallways with enemies. the 3rd level had an interesting gimmick but it goes to shit because simon controls like a fucking tortoise. mf can’t move or jump for shit. the game demands the tightest jumps from you which most of the time you will fail on your first try due to how stiff and shitty the jump is. bosses are barely even bosses and have like one attack. music was kinda good but they loop after like 30 seconds lol. i think for a gameboy game it has cool aesthetics i guess but everything else is terrible. every flaw with classic castlevania is present here in full force and then some.
my advice? play the remake on wii instead. i will personally send you the rom of that shit do NOT play this. they turned the worst 2d castlevania into one of the best how is that possible.

it's the literal the worst game i ever played. fuck this controls and this mechanics