Pretty good story from start to finish, the ending might be the greatest ending i've ever seen out of any video game. It genuinely transcended everything I expected coming into the game.

Massive and I mean a massive improvement from the base game.

This game is a masterpiece in almost every single aspect. As a person who has never played the OG FF7. I was deeply invested in almost every single plot point and character dynamic. Cloud for me continues to be arguably the most well written videogame protagonist of all time. And im extremley excited to see the direction his character goes for the final installment of this triology. Although, I didnt engage much in the open world since I only focused on the main story. I still felt the experience was well worth the 70 bucks based on the story alone. Although, I will say the ending did feel convoluted which in my opinion really robbed it of its emotional impact. But despite that I loved how the ending stayed true to the central theme of the story and offered up some sobering messages in a subtle yet effective way.

Ultimately, I do feel that the final few chapters of rebirth is a build up for whats going to happen in the final installment where I believe most of Final Fantasy 7's thematic prowess will really shine, to bring about everything that has been built up in the last 2 games to its conclusion.

one of the most endearing and enjoyable experiences I've ever gotten the pleasure of experiencing. The story was phenomenal. Every character felt likeable and well written. Cloud arguably might be the greatest protagonist to ever exist. Tifa is also the best heroine in gaming. All in All, This is a one of a kind game, and is easily my favorite videogame of all time.

Never knew a piece of literature could make me cry this much

This really is a peak visual novel and definitely Nasu's best work. I Love how well written the story is and how Nasu was able to incorporate themes of life and death, Issues of serial killings and murder, a thorough examination of the human nature to create a very interesting story. Characters were also all very likeable and interesting. Although, i feel like it gets held back by all the eroge

personally this is one of the most underrated games i've ever played and i feel like it doesn't get the love that it deserves. The amount of times i revisited it this game to liberate different towns and military bases for fun while causing as much chaos as i can, the game just felt like endless fun to me.

a great fps game with a unique concept which distinguishes it from other fps games. It's not everyone cup of tea especially with its slow paced movement and gameplay but the strategic aspect really gravitated me towards it. The array of different operators with different abilities really stopped me from getting bored while playing . Although, the community is very toxic, and it slowly fell off in terms of quality. Nonetheless this game was great at its peak

undisputedly the worst COD to ever come out. To this day i'm shocked that Treyarch chose to come out with a black ops game with no campaign. The battle royale was complete and utter garbage and should have never been added. The multiplayer was such a boring and gruelling experience and it just felt like a rehashed worse version of black ops 3. As a whole this game just felt like cash grab with little to no thought put into it. This game genuinely represented everything wrong with this franchise, and should have never been greenlit

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despite all the criticsm this game got at launch, it was an enjoyable and addiciting experience which lead me to be fully immeresed in the world created by CD projekt RED. Speaking of the world, Nightcity is one of the most visually pleasing cities i've ever seen in a videogame, as a big fan of neon aesthetics the map immediately got me interested in the world of nightcity and always made me feel tempted to go ahead and explore both different parts of the city as well as the countryside, Furthermore, the story felt like a breath of fresh air from the usual cliche narratives of the protagonist getting what he wants at the end. In cyberpunk that is completely different CD projekt red chose to go for a more tragic narrative with a bittersweet ending conveying a message to gamers that in life it is impossible to get everything, this touch between fiction and reality definitely had a strong impact on me and taught me to not feel down when things don't go my way in life. Despite people having gripes with the performence of the game my experience felt fairly smooth. overall this is a game i would gladly experience for the first time again.

good game at launch, yet aged poorly as time progressed. The trading system was a very interesting concept the skins and other cosmetics look really nice with thought put into them. However, the game became repetitive which definitely impacted my motivation to play the game any longer

NieR is a game that holds a special place in my heart. The amount of joy i got from playing this game can never be replecated. I loved the post apocalyptic, dystopian setting that they chose to go with it fully made me interested in the universe as it was something very unique to me when i first played it. Despite, the map being fairly small the different areas of the map still felt very interesting and different from one another. The story and writing in this game was amazing definitely one of the greatest written videogames i've ever played. All the major characters definitely created a sense of attachment and intrest in one way or another and never felt one dimensional or linear. I also loved the themes of finding the meaning of life in which NieR effectively portrayed with its narrative to make gamers feel related and seem somewhat similar to the characters in this game. Lastly, the combat is arguably some of the best combat in any videogame i've ever played. The combat system felt very smooth and unique with each button combination producing a different animation with different damage each time which helps make the game feel very unpredictable and stops it from feeling boring and repetitive

As a big COD fan, this game fully epitimizes how much i love this franchise. No treyarch game will ever top this one. The feeling i got from plaything through the campaign can only be matched by BO2. The writing and the story in call of duty black ops is truly masterful depicting the trauma in war as well as shedding light on some of the cruel ways in which both sides during the cold war used to kill their enemies. The amount of passion put into this game fully reflected the quality of this game. The multiplayer and Zombies were also incredible as it improved on the foundations layed down by world at war

extremely boring bar the great visuals this game offers nothing. waste of time and money

Games like these are usually my favorite, but witcher 3 felt like a very painful and tedious experience. I wasnt invested into this game like other RPG games. The combat personally was ok nothing really special. The story had avery unique concept however CD projekt RED failed to get me interested in all the main characters. Missions also very felt linear and repetitive. I really wish i can give this game a higher score especially since the RPG genre is a personal favorite of mine however, it failed to get me hooked and fell short of my expectations.