111 Reviews liked by FaterMoon

There is a reason why The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is such a highly acclaimed JRPG among fans of the genre: its story, character development, and world building with other games in the series are simply fantastic and create a very unique sense of cohesion between several games. Considering Nihon Falcom (developer) is a small studio and don't have the luxury of big budgets and staff, it's very impressive to see what they were able to achieve not only with this game but with the whole Legend of Heroes series as a whole.

The strongest aspects in this game as already mentioned are the story, character development, and world building. Be warned that the game is off to a very slow start and reading through dialogue is very slow to the point it can feel like playing a visual novel at points (lots of reading, very little action/gameplay). However, once the game opens up it becomes very addictive just to find out what is going to happen next in terms of the story. The excessive dialogue seems like a burden at first but as you get more involved in the story and character you will actually find yourself talking to more NPCs and reading the local news to get yourself immersed in the happenings (past and present) of the Liberl Kingdom. This game features one of the best endings I've experienced in an RPG and will have you itching to start the sequel (Second Chapter) the second you see the credits end.

Combat is grid turn-based employing use of regular attacks, arts and crafts. It's a fun combat system but the game does a poor job of explaining the intricacies of how everything works. This can hurt in the long run because the ramp in difficulty towards the end is fairly large and the player is expected to have a full understanding of the combat system in order to defeat and progress through the end part of the game. The game features some unconventional gameplay aspects such as not being able to return to certain previous locations and timed side-quests that are very easy to miss.

In typical Nihon Falcom fashion, the soundtrack in this game is fantastic. Overall, Trails in the Sky First Chapter is an incredibly solid JRPG that should be played by fans of the genre and it's most definitely the place to start to get involved in the Legend of Heroes series.

Mostly solid as a game (though the combat can feel somewhat imprecise at points) but I really enjoyed this as a Star Wars experience more than anything. With so much of recent Disney Star Wars content feeling kind of nostalgia pandering and low effort it's refreshing to get a story set in this universe that feels relatively original and like it had love and care put into it. The set pieces are also really interesting and well realized, Dathomir especially was really cool (Merrin my beloved).

Not my favorite in the series, didnt feel as interested as previous games and it wasnt as enjoyable.

There's a lot I love and a lot I really couldn't stand about this game but I kept playing till the end and played it all night to finish so I can hardly say I regret playing it

Biggest takeaway from it is that I'm real excited to play the DLCs and 2 to see how they polish this formula

Ryukishi should just start writing horror novels instead of magical meta bullshit. True Peak Fiction material.

A masterpiece ahead of its time. Somehow still pretty scary despite you playing as basically a super soldier. Enemy AI famously holds up and impresses, and area designs made me feel like I was playing Die Hard at times. Highly recommend for fans of FPS and Horror.

Less subtle than it's predecessor, but the visuals are improved pretty substantially.

this is the only borderlands ive beaten and i played it completely by myself which is a sad thought because this game is all about coop

An utter masterpiece. The long wait between DMC4 and DMC5 was more than forgiven with Dragon's Dogma. A great world to explore with satisfying combat and many classes to choose from. I could go on and on about Dragon's Dogma but it's absolutely worth a playthrough if you enjoy a traditional fantasy setting.

Love is a fucked up little thing, how about that

Probably the greatest gaming experience i've ever had in my life

personagens com falas e interações boas e interessantes, sistema de tiro estilo CS só que piorado onde você em """""teoria"""""" não deve atirar andando sempre MAS claro o lucasXXNrXdragonwolf vai patinar e te dar um HS aleatório a 54 metros de distancia com uma vandal.

Se quiser jogar jogue, gosto é gosto mas já te aviso se for jogar fim de semana é melhor de madrugada a partir das 1:30 porquê antes disso tem os pivete acordados e tentando ao máximo não acordar os pais, outra dica o botão de mute fica no Esc no meio em baixo se não me falha a memória

I'm so glad Yuffie got the screen-time she deserves.
In the original FFVII, she was an optional member, so her story was not developed.
I wonder if she is going to be an "official" party member this time around, since the FFVIIR story has slight differences in comparison to the original.

Final Rating: 7/10

Easily the best FF on the PS1. Genuinely enjoyable and surprisingly competent story with incredible characters, and character growth and stories that feel deserved compared to, say, FF7, where characters change on a whim. Gameplay is not much improved but is acceptable.