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Stopped playing due to a corrupt save file. Did not have it in me to re-do the grind.

Was enjoying the story and the world. And of course the music. But I did not like the levelling system at all.

Last save was just after saving the princess from the colosseum.

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Genuinely a fun and novel game experience for me. Have not played any typing games before.

I would describe myself as above average typer, but this game was still too frustratingly difficult for me. I didn’t have the patience for a game I didn’t care THAT much about.

I got up to my old mentor in Naples who transformed into a demon.


I remember playing the demo for this game on PS2 from some break-beat fuelled demo disc. How those vibes clashed.

The atmosphere of this game is expertly crafted. The scale of the castle and the feeling of isolation is captured really well. It's unfortunate that the gameplay hasn't stood the test of time.

I recently read through the novelisation of Ico, and although different in some key aspects it really made me want to go back to this game and others from Team Ico.

Although I feel an itch to replay, i'm holding out for a potential remake similar to what they did with SotC which hopefully irons out some of those janky camera/control issues that are indicative of the era of release.

What an achievement this game is.

The mystery of the lands explored in this game are so engrossing.

Also love my boy Agro.

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I was initially hesitant when I was posed with the paradox of playing an Amnesia game and then being handed a pistol. But man oh man, that pistol does NOT give you a sense of power. If anything, these lack of ammunition and the seemingly ineffective rounds significantly ENHANCE the survival horror feeling.

I really enjoyed the parallels to the Resident Evil series i.e. safe room (w/ cozy music), item box etc.

Sound design was fucking stellar. Every time shells were dropped above I pooped my pants.

I think my only real issues with this title is the vague narrative along with the final boss encounter being kind of tedious and confusing.

It wasn't just the expertly crafted card gameplay.
It wasn't just the spooky atmosphere.
It wasn't just the unexpected and captivating meta narrative.

It was all of these things.

This game is fucking great.

This was a really charming, sweet, heartbreaking and life-affirming way to spend an hour over the weekend.

Life is strange, and relationships are hard.

The themes really resonated with me. Finding and nurturing the things that make you shine and helping others when they are struggling to find their own passions.

Plus Aussie devs ftw!

This game was kinda dumb...and cringey...and the gameplay was repetitive...and the writing was half baked...but somehow I still kinda enjoyed it????

The absurdist comedy that hit somehow outshined the comedy that missed.

kinda wished I played it in VR instead of on a 2D screen - may have elevated the experience.

As a new MP fan, this was a strange play through.

On the one hand: the combat was refined, the bullet time was fucking sick and so satisfying, McCaffery was doing wonderful things to my ears with his lines.

On the other hand, it felt like a COMPLETELY unexpected direction for MP - not only narratively, but styalisticly. I really did not enjoy the constant glitchiness and seperation of the RGB colours like every few seconds. Felt really unnecessary and overused.

I wonder if Remedy had continued with the MP series, if the noir comic-book style would have carried over.

Still fun as hell tho.

I can't recall how many times I have replayed this title. The magic is there every single time, and I'm sure it will stay there for many playthroughs to come.

One of the all time greats - a truly special game to me.

More RE4 Remake? Sign me the fuck up.

Ada was so fun to play as. I really liked how they expanded the narrative for the remake and intertwined it seamlessly with the base game.

Was a tiring platinum.

Fingers crossed for an RE5 remake with similar design principles!

This was...kinda cool...I guess?

The tone and atmosphere were great, but the act of actually playing this game was a little uninteresting for me.

Interested to see how they are going to translate this to film.

Decided to replay this (along with all the other Remedy titles) in prep for Alan Wake 2 play-through. This still has the Remedy magic, after all these years. Great replay.

Was the first time I played through the DLCs and holy cow, I had no idea so much narrative progression is made. Would have been kicking myself if I started AWII without playing them.


This was pretty fun, but largely inconsequential. Kind of tedious doing the whole "replay the scenario" thing.

So funny hearing Kasabian's "Club Foot" used throughout the game - VERY unexpected for me.

The FMV sequences with Mr. Scratch were the highlight for me. So funny/well acted.