30 Reviews liked by FinesseNFlex

I'm slowly starting to realize how much time I spend on all those "Xbox avatars games" from 360 era. I mean... Racing on motorcycle with nanosuit from Crysis on was pretty darn cool not gonna lie.

A game with good ideas and extremely flawed execution. This was my main shooter for almost 2 years. Parts of it were actually pretty great, but overall it was a mess of ideas that weren't fully baked. Feature creep also destroyed this game.

Best multiplayer game and best sports game hands down.

back in 2011 you saw that video of the guy jumping out of the jet in mid air and blowing up the other jet with a rocket launcher and thought "i want to do that!" then when you bought it you realized that the bulk of the multi-player experience is running around getting shot from a mile away by enemies you can't see and getting blinded by flashlights and all the cool stuff is locked behind a level progression system you won't stick around long enough to make the most of

Best Battlefield campaign to date, destructive environments were never done as good as this game ever again in the series, NS2000 forever.

Remember when Battlefield was fun?

A fun one to bust out with some friends over, but doesn't really have anything else to it.

Terrible game, the gameplay is barebones with barely anything to do except "click this and then click that" the main villain almost never appears, and it messes up the lore incredibly. It has a FEW good moments, and the art style, ambience and music are pretty good, but it's still awful and it would be the worst in the franchise if it wasn't because of Security Breach

I think this was free at the time, so thumbs up

remedy games wear their influences on their sleeve, and when they line up with what i like, it's pure magic baby. this is SCP foundation and x-files and a bit of twin peaks and brutalism and it's just a delight.

The GOAT Spider-Man game, don't @ me.

The single best Spiderman game I've ever played. Something I find myself going back to every so often and always having a great time. The voice acting is amazing, especially Noir. I'll admit I'm biased because he's voiced by the 90's Animated Spiderman, but that's what makes him so great. Just an amazing beat-em-up that has a lot of replay value. I'm going to 100% it someday.

As much has I think most of the game is fun, the final level is one of the worst level in a video game I've ever seen

of all the changes in my life that occurred in 2020 one of the most positive was me finally deleting this from my phone after playing it every single day for 7 years straight. i had long stopped enjoying it and was only keeping up my streak out of some bizarre sense of pride about having never spent any money on it.
it's kind of a shame because once upon a time i really was getting a lot of fun out of it! they had creative events! they were adding cool characters and buildings and entire new areas at times (they once had a whole thing just for the Monorail)! the writing wasn't Amazing by any standard but it was more often than not funnier than the show's been in close to 20 years now.
then at some point it all just kinda... fizzled out. they'd mined the show for as much content as they could, having to rely on one-off gag characters and unloved later season episodes for new events. it was likely an inevitable decline but still a disappointing one to experience in real time. this, coupled with how poorly the game ran, and then Double Coupled with the ridiculous storage demands of each update, turned the game from a kind of breezy daily ritual into a self-inflicted Sisyphean torment.

also: Milhouse didn't have any voice lines for some reason! why would you leave out Milhouse?!