It's a great rhythm game but I can't stand the amount of fan service it has. The loading screens are full of art with thighs and other "questionable" parts of the female body. At least you can choose which loading screen to use but still, it's quite disturbing. On Steam, it doesn't show that this game is 18+ and you can easily mistaken it for a kid's game (like me). I guess it's worth buying it if you'd really like because always it's like under 1 euro but it will most likely stay in your library, untouched, after you see what's in it.

really fun for testing your knowledge


I was expecting a simple yet dark platformer, but I was shocked to see how complex the chapters were. Yes, the gameplay is only 5~ hours, but they were worth playing. It keeps you by putting new mechanics from time to time, and also by the fact that you actually have to use your brain in order to complete the puzzles, not only sprinkle dangle go in front and you're good to go.

Short but amazing! Loved the humor

Small yet very good. One of the only games who actually scared me and made me like the feeling and want more

literally the whole game is held back by transactions

was a great game but all went down because of king or whatever cards made powercreep real

not fun at all without a vr set

my first ever switch pokemon game. The graphics and mechanics are GORGEOUS. Too bad it's a let's go game and all you can do is catch and not battle the wild mons at all. The trainer battles are very limited in the post games and this is more towards really little children. Not bad but not good either.

it's so strange to see phone games here

Primul meu joc metroidvania terminat vreodata. Am adorat fiecare minut si cum ca trebuia mereu sa faci chestii noi in loc sa repeti acelasi lucru plictisitor incontinuu (n-as fi crezut ca mi-ar placea backtracking-ul asa de mult). Bosii au fost extrem de duri, ceea ce m-a facut sa raman si sa continui jocul pana la sfarsit si sa nu ma dau batut. Am reusit sa termin cu 94% completion. Tunelele secrete au fost uimitoare, insa cel din King's Station a fost extrem de greu de vazut, unul chiar vital pentru completarea jocului. Un joc cu adevarat minunat.