This game deserved a second year of support and DLC.

It just works, even after it’s been re-released who knows how many times. Even if parts of this game are dated there’s just some magic charm about it that always pulls you back in for another playthrough.

Easily the second worst single player campaign I’ve ever played

A wonderful send off to the Bungie era of Halo. A childhood masterpiece that holds up perfectly all these years later. Music, multiplayer, (aside from armor lock), Campaign,forge Bungie knocked it out of the park in nearly every department for their last hurrah for the franchise.

An absolute masterpiece of a game. It has everything one could ask for from a FPS. Solid story even if it’s a tad on the short side. Arguably the best multiplayer around, a horde mode, giant robots, no overpriced micro transactions. It’s an absolute shame neither Respawn or EA care for this franchise as much as the fanbase.

Kalos still remains the best region aesthetically over 10 years after its debut. This game also posses the best gimmick in the form of mega evolutions, the best player customization and a great Pokédex to back it all up. Only thing holding this game back is its baby mode difficulty and weak supporting cast.

This game might posses the most incompetent balancing I’ve ever seen. There’s almost always a handful of broke characters out a time and I believe the devs just like to randomly spin a well to see who they should buff to obscene levels next.

The monetization is ridiculous at times. While they are plenty of nice skins most of heavily overpriced. While you can earn some characters for free with in game events which is nice, others are overpriced in the game currency department. This game would benefit greatly if it had something akin to the Ultimate god pack from Smite.

I’m a big Pokemon fan so that’s a large reason I like this game as much as I do. All matches are nice and short as well. Always 10 minutes or less. New Pokemon are also added in at frequent enough of a rate usually 1-2 a month so content droughts are thankfully non existent.

Ranked is a bit of joke. Not only is a relatively easy climb, You get bot matches if matchmaking takes to long or if you have a nice losing streak. Admittedly bots are better teammates than half the people I’ve encountered so it’s not entirely a bad thing. Especially when the only thing that matters in a match doesn’t happen until the 8 minute mark.

You and your team can absolutely dominate a match and have a huge lead and nice level advantage but if you lose the zap or ray fight you can kiss that victory goodbye. I’d advise not taking this game too seriously it’s best enjoyed when you have some time to kill

My thoughts on this game are similar to the game itself. Inconsistent. I struggle on how exactly I want to rate this game. It can have amazing peaks at times with expansions like Forsaken or Witch Queen. But also embarrassingly low lows like CoO or Lightfall.

Like with Overwatch 2 the core gameplay is still solid and enjoyable but it’s plagued with various other issues with repetitive activities , horrible monetization, the DCV, and stories that vary in quality depending on the season or expansion.

But as I mentioned the core of the game is still good. Raids are still the best content around , and some of the seasonal activities and their stories are still good. Crucible can be a mixed bag but it can be just as fun as bungie’s halo days.All of this shows that some people at bungie do truly still care about this game.

It’s a crime this game so confusing and convoluted for newcomers because Bungie have crafted and amazing world with excellent lore.

I’m a diehard fan. So even if I take long breaks from this game. I don’t think I’ll ever truly put it down. Like with so many others I hate this game, and I can’t wait to play TFS.

This is tied with 2003 clone wars for being the most overrated Star Wars project. All of my problems lie with the gameplay, more specifically the combat. The story is an easy 9/9.5 it’s amazing and it deserves all the praise it gets. So I’m absolutely astounded they managed to somehow drop the ball so badly on the gameplay end of things. It’s horrible, I’ve tried 3 separate times to really get into this game before drop it shortly after getting to Dantooine. I just can’t do it. Kudos to anyone who can get past this hurdle because you’re in for a good time if you do. Maybe sometime in future I’ll give it another go and maybe even change my review when I do.

Believe it or not despite the horrible changes to the shop and what they did to the story mode this game at its core is still fun to play when you don’t have someone in your ear telling you how bad it is.

As I’m sure it was the case with a lot of other people playing this game this was my first ever AC experience and man what a wonderful experience it was. Easily the most underrated game of 2023. Despite characters being nothing but a voice and an emblem in this game. Most if not all of them are incredibly well written.

The gameplay is an easy 9 fast paced, smooth and makes you feel like a star of an action movie. However I will say the stagger system at times can be a bit annoying as it can disrupt the flow of a fight.

The art style is perfect for the tone and style of the game, don’t listen to anyone who says this game looks bland or bad. Also easily one of the most repayable games out there that isn’t an rpg with multiple endings, plenty of parts to find or buy in the shop.
You can easily spend hours in the garage customizing your AC alone.

The multiplayer while there isn’t really for me personally maybe I’ll try to get into it someday it does suffer from a lack of cross play as well as people just spamming the meta. Whilst on the topic of the negative this game can suffer from difficulty whiplash depending on your build from being easy to super hard. But with the garage (and your own skill) you’re free to essentially set your own difficultly.

All in all I cannot recommend this game enough easily my 2023 GOTY. It deserved best action game and so much more. I sincerely hope from software sees the potential with this game/ franchise like they did with souls games and capitalize on it.

Not only is this the best Pokémon spin off game. It’s the best Pokémon game period. This game is about as close to flawless as it gets, aside from sudden difficulty spikes and aegis cave. Great characters, an amazing soundtrack, solid gameplay, I absolutely cannot recommend this masterpiece enough.It’s an absolute shame this game hasn’t been remade or remastered for the switch yet.