5 reviews liked by Flip404

might be the most fun i had in VR

Slay the Spire in my opinion is near perfect and the best roguelike/lite come to market. The breath of options for building and creating a deck, the relics, and completely different playstyles of all the characters are enough to satisfy for hundreds of hours on their own.

still the best yakuza game, and the only one that i genuinely enjoyed the fighting mechanics of. the themes are woven through both the story and mechanics, and everything feels considered and intentional

Well, Stitch. is not ~really a puzzle game. There's little to think about, even on the highest difficulty. It's moreso a game where you can just let your brain go on autopilot and relax. Because the things it needs to get right - giving the stitching a tactile feel and creating a calming sensory landscape - it absolutely does. Your enjoyment of this game is mostly dependent on your expectation: If you want a good puzzle game, look elsewhere. If you want a good way to wind down for 30min a day, it might be a good choice to pick this one up.