29 reviews liked by FranMayCry

every bad thing anyone has ever said about kojima's writing and game design is 100% correct, 5 stars

The best persona game, period. Its themes of struggling to integrate with society as an adult speak much more clearly to me then the stories of later entries in the series.
on top of that, there's some of the most challenging and rewarding gameplay in the franchise. everyone in persona 2 can use every persona, so having the right set up of personas is critical to success in boss fights, which will more than likely fuck your shit up if unprepared. The translation is wonky at points, as most of the spell names are very literally translated, but compared to revelations: persona its night and day, as there's no censorship or Americanization here. all in all this is one of my favourite JRPGs of all time and a contender for one of my favourite games period.

british people are fucking insane

This game has a surprise JK Simmons and I think that's really nice

Favorite game of all time. The story is amazing, the atmosphere is great, the characters are fun! Then you have the co-op that anyone can get into, and the workshop chambers for limitless puzzles. 10/10 amazing game.

sometimes i wonder if i didnt just randomly download some bullshit from nyaa id be less of a fucking loser


at the time of writing this review it's been my fourth reread overall and it's still just as good as i remember. without getting too emotional i'll just say i'm really glad that the innocent middle schooler all those years back downloaded this off of god knows where and laughed reading all the h scenes at times while also crying over some genuinely great character moments that still resonate with me to this day. sure there's a lot of criticisms that can be levied against it and there's a lot more visual novels i've read since then but to say that fate changed my life is a drastic understatement and it's still something i'm very grateful i decided to read all those years back. your mileage might vary but as the years go on i think i'll still love fate as much as the first time i read it. honestly, there's really not enough i could say about this visual novel without keeping most of it a surprise still so i'll just say rin tohsaka is literally me and i'll leave it at that ! kamige/10

Tremendous game. Utterly terrifying. There's some weird translation foibles and a boss or two that was frustrating rather than scary. But it all really comes together into a great package. Last time I attempted to play this, I was really frustrated with Sae and Mayu. But now, like. I get it. Y'all indoctrinated. Its hard.

The reveal of what the Crimson Butterfly Actually Is felt like I was being punched in the chest.