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FredENeedsaNanny reviewed Beautiful Escape: Dungeoneer
What a unique and unsettling game, and to think it was made in RPG Maker. It feels like a Chuck Palahniuk or Brett Easton Ellis novel in many ways.

My only gripe is that it's too short. It's a concept that lends itself to a longer story, and yet I felt like I finished it in 40 minutes.

4 days ago

FredENeedsaNanny finished Beautiful Escape: Dungeoneer
What a unique and unsettling game, and to think it was made in RPG Maker. It feels like a Chuck Palahniuk or Brett Easton Ellis novel in many ways.

My only gripe is that it's too short. It's a concept that lends itself to a longer story, and yet I felt like I finished it in 40 minutes.

4 days ago

FredENeedsaNanny finished The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Honestly, I think this game is Nintendo's greatest achievement. It manages to be cozy, yet menacing at the same time, stripping back the adventurous qualities of the Zelda games into something deeply unsettling and tragic.

I also think it's amazing how this game was made almost entirely in crunch time, creating one of the very first examples of a time loop game in the process. It feels so big, and yet it almost consists entirely of reused assets from Ocarina of Time.

Majora's Mask is an achievement in so many ways. I don't think it's a game I'll ever forget.

4 days ago

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