Very fun game that can be played co-op. Its way better than Castle of Illusion.

Donald Duck has a plunger gun, what more do I need to convince you to play it?

Might be the dumbest story in the Yakuza series but i wraps around to being awesome. The new characters the game introduces are great and show that Yakuza doesn't need Kiryu alone to survive.

One of the best Yakuza games, the story the characters, all good. 5 cities to explore, multiple sub stories to find. This game is packed with content.

Probably the weakest Yakuza game. Enemies block too much, the kids in the game kinda suck. Mine is a cool bad guy though.

Combat felt much more smooth and fluid compared to Y6 and Kiwami 2. Fun detective story with cool Yakuza sub stories!

Good game that unfortunately feels a little short. If they added one more area to explore, it'd be on the level of 2 Remake.

Pretty good remake, not quite as good as 0 but it helped flesh out Nishki.

A great end to the dark seeker saga, and a start to something new. This had some of the best combat in the series and with remind made it even better.

This game was fun from beginning to end, some people may disagree about the ending, but I enjoyed it!

A remake to one of the best Remakes not only succeeds but might even surpass the original. Seriously, one of the best remakes I've ever played!

The best Sonic game in ages! This game is the true successor to the genesis games! Add in wide screen, 2 new characters and you have a recipe for success! Also the soundtrack by Tee Lopes is beautiful!

Improves on Persona 5 tenfold, adds some nice QOL features, gives us some new confidants, make mementos more interesting, and we get a new final dungeon and boss to boot. Seriously, this game is a huge upgrade from vanilla.