3 reviews liked by FrostyFrias

You could genuinely make a case for any character in this game being your favorite and I'd 100% understand it.

Except Ohya.

Don't make the same mistake that I made and replay the original right before you play the DLC. They are basically the same game just with a different pen pal and some additional items and combinations. It's still a good game, the new items are fun, and the new story is just as weird and eery as you would think. It's just that the DLC doesn't really add to the original game, it changes the original game into a slightly different experience.

It was okay - just made me want to go and play Hades some more.

There are only 2 dungeons and the game hints at things that are more impressive than what is actually in the game (a character just disappears and you never to get to date him even though he says he is an axe? that sounds sick what the hell).

The combat and RPG elements are quite simple but inoffensive. The dating sim elements feel quite non-existent (the dating events are nowhere near as good as something like Persona) and everyone is way to eager to get into your hands.

Non-binary representation tho :)