This game is better than I thought it would be. It’s best if you’re team of 5 is all friends in a party so you guys can make strategies and all work together like a real kill squad. The clear advantage of this over overwatch is that you can actually strategize rather than everyone having to run to fight as soon as possible. Some downsides are that you die way to fast for such a slow paced game, and that you get slowed while getting shot at. If you do not pull your trigger first and hit every headshot you’re dead. The firefights last actually 1 second. Other than that it’s a fun game. The reason it’s ranked lower is that I wouldn’t have fun playing alone or even with one or two other people

This game is classic 3D Mario fun. There are some smart ideas and fun sections. I really like the 3D effect. The levels are really short and it only took me about 3 hours to beat, but it was fun just relaxing on the couch and playing some games

is ugame is that there’s always something wild happening. Every two seconds you’re running away from some huge explosion. And Lara is a god. She survives 50 concussions and stab wounds then slaughters 100 guys. Unfortunately the characters and story are ass

Tomb raider is like if uncharted swapped out it’s good character and story for crazy set pieces. The best part about this game is that there’s always something wild happening. Every two seconds you’re running away from some huge explosion. And Lara is a god. She survives 50 concussions and stab wounds then slaughters 100 guys. Unfortunately the characters and story are ass

My favorite thing about animal well is the vibe. The world is so strange and there’s this ethereal music playing in the background. The art style is beautiful but off putting. You never really feel like you’re alone. A lot of the animals don’t even make animal sounds, they sound like weird computer glitches. You can really tell it was made by one guy not because it’s poorly made, but because of how much his voice shines through. I’m not a huge fan of metroidvanias because you can get lost easily but I felt that because of the smaller than most map size, there was always something to do. It rarely felt overwhelming. Normally in these type of games I’m always checking every path a million times and looking up where I have to go because I’m stuck, but I only had to do that once which is good. Animal well is an amazing passion project and definitely one of my favorite games I’ve played this year

Another great naughty dog game. Can’t believe I hadn’t played this dlc but it was great. Even knowing what was going to happen I still found myself rooting for Ellie and Riley. It’s kind of the same situation with the base game where after watching the show I liked some of the stuff it did better but I didn’t know about Ellie going into the mall trying to find the med kit for Joel so that was a cool surprise. Just a great expansion

The first time I played the last of us I didn’t really get it so I wasn’t a huge fan. I also played it on way too high of a difficulty and sucked at the combat so that really soured my experience. But coming back to it with better graphics really enhanced the experience. But on the other hand after watching the show so many times there were a lot of moments I didn’t like as much in the game. It’s funny because typically you see a moment from the adaptations and say “that’s not as good as the game” but it’s the other way around this time. A lot of it has to do with it having more time for story moments in the show and being able to execute it in different ways but I still found myself underwhelmed sometimes. Even so, still a fantastic game

Definitely better than the first dlc, and better than the base game too. The demons are a pretty easy boss and my time with half light was saved by the fact that a player invaded me and let me kill him. And Gael is just an incredible fight, perfect for the mechanics of the game. Why they don’t have more bosses like him I don’t know. Great dlc

It's pretty good. Definitely better than most dark souls dlcs, but man is sister friede annoying. Her third phase is such a damn slog. I have to run around for 5 minutes then get two lousy hits in. Luckily me and gael clutched up on stage 2 so that we were both full health 5 flasks going into stage 3. We tanked her too it was great. But good dlc all around.

Definitely the best dark souls game. The graphics are great and the scenery is really beautiful. It’s weird how short it is but I played all of the trilogy in a row so it was nice to have a short game. Harder than the others giving some of the best and worst bosses in the trilogy. It’s a pretty good game but fromsoft has made better

It's fun for a bit but there's not really any depth. Once you've seen the funny gimmicks you've seen it all

Yeah this shit kinda sucks. I was wondering whether to factor in the fun I've had playing with friends but decided against it because anything is fun with them. It's so hard not to compare this to Smash because it's obviously trying to be Smash, but it's not even remotely close. Every character plays the same where you just go up to someone and spam the attack button, or if you're a little too far away you can boost in close. The movement feels a little clunky so you can't ever pull off anything clean, the shitty servers don't help. The roster is also so weird too. Why is the banana guard from adventure time and a fucking gremlin in here. And who tf is reindog. Don't even get me started on Lebron James. The whole game is poorly made.

There’s not a lot of good fun co-op games out there so it’s great to find buried treasure like this. Crafting this crazy hard level is so much fun to do with a bunch of friends and seeing everyone try and complete it. There’s no down time, even when you’re dead you’re paying attention seeing if someone will fall for a trap you set. Every round is the funniest thing ever. I’d definitely recommend

Damn, dark souls 2 had 3 chances to make good dlc and missed every single time. This dlc has an unnecessary about of slow levers to open big doors with tons of enemies guarding them. Luckily the one boss wasn’t too bad

Another dark souls 2 dlc that’s worse than the base game. The areas are definitely better end the castle is pretty cool, but the boss fights are so dumb. One is fucking invisible (you can make him see I know but I tried to fight it for awhile before I found that out), and the other is the worst gang fight you’ve ever seen. You have to kill the enemies fast so that you aren’t overwhelmed, but not too fast so that they respawn. You do have 4 knights to help you which sounds like a lifesaver but they do practically nothing. They do no damage and half the time there’s still 3 enemies on me. At the start the enemies are literally outnumbered 5-3 yet all of them still go after me. It makes no sense. Another ok dlc.