not even here am I safe from the blue rat. :/

these games are real relics of their era but boy did younger me absolutely revel in them


proceeds to make a game that's a pretty standard visual novel

This one is really funny though so its okay.

I have no idea what happened but that was very fucking cool.

Puyo Puyo's gameplay is pretty infamously bad, I mean there's a reason that every game after this ignores what it does. Not being able to rotate puyos after they drop in a column is notably terrible. But its got the vibes. The good feels. Its nice

Sometimes I sit in my room at half past one and shudder, thinking in agony at all the presents, gifts, and allowance I lost to this mid tier baby kids game. I chose a Skylanders 3 pack over galaxy 2. My life was in an awful place

Sega hired that man but this time he has a fetish for ice physics

aw shit, here comes Pac-Man

I cant really give this a rating but yeah its pretty cool

sus sus among us imposter sus sus vent electrical sus among sus

This game is an insane buggy mess but its such a fantastic game under all of that is the best Pokemon game since Platnium, with a fantastic selection of new goobers to catch train and evolve, and a wonderful insane story that genuine blew me away (for a pokemon game lol). IDK this is a weird one but I love it.

Imperishable Night caps off the first trilogy of the modern Touhou era and it does so with true style. Similar to TH7 it carries with it this melancholic lucid aura I just can't explain in its music, stage and sound design, and atmosphere. I really do love these games for that.

Gameplay wise this game feels very easy, very pick up and play honestly. (on normal mode, which is all I have played atm) This is certainty a detriment to the game but it compensates with just how much you can play it. 4 main characters to pick from, and then 8 more after you unlock the split teams. Plus a million extra spell cards in practice? there's just so much content its great.

I think weirdly, what stuck with me the most this go around was the Omake text, ZUN's ramblings about how weird it is to see his "eternally tepid" series take off like a rocket, how the gaming industry evolved, and what the future holds. And of course this wonderful little quote,

"if you have interest, please feel free try it out as you wish. Touhou will not reject anyone who wishes for entry, nor chase down anyone who leaves. As long as you have interest, only diving deep into Gensokyo when it's fun is fine, or knocking at it carefully from the outside is also fine. Please be sure to treat newcomers well, and let those who walk away, leave peacefully."

i like puzzle games but Doctor Mario never did it for me

When I tried to play this for the first time my computer completely froze over and forced an automatic reset. I take this as a sign from god and by his will, I have given it a low score.

I dont really have much to say here other than its not really a game. Its meant for literal 2 year olds and has like 4 minutes of content. The remixes of show themes are nice though