Pokemon Gen 6 will always have a place in my heart but I find it hard to say it compares to the three generations before it or the on after it. Everything just falls so flat. Its far and away the easiest pokemon game to date, which is an accomplishment. Megas while cool feel incredibly underused. The time between start and badge 3 is roughly how long the rest of the game is. And Kalos is just not a fun region to explore.

Basically just a tech demo and a neat window into the cut content of Half Life 2. But hey more Half Life 2 is more Half Life 2. Its free and only 20 minutes long, its worth the time

This game was a slog, an absolute slog. The game chugs on the hardware, hitting what feels like 10 frames a second at times. Especially when bosses appear, which does not help the very jank camera and autolock on for big enemies, often it feels more of a fight against the game than the bosses. Another issue is the story, which feels so underwhelming and lame especially compared to what was promised. Impa is the most fun character and also broken as shit.

this game plays like a game from 10 years ago, and looks just about the same. And thats because it is. This game is almost exclusively used for Thomas the Tank engine fan remakes and that about says it all.

This games pretty damn fun! Some wack online and a pretty annoying autocombo system keep from being perfect but I can't wait to see where it is in a few years.

I love the 1940s aesthetic of this game, its super memorable and the sprite work is top notch. Unfortunately, I just couldn't get into it. Just wasn't for me.

One of my most played games. As a kid I was obsessed with this game, terrible too, but I could play it for hours. Now a days its flaws are more apparent to me. Lack of meaningful singleplayer an a painful roster mostly.

I played this game for 5 minutes and got instantly bored

these made better action figures than they did games so... mission accomplished?

These were action figures that snapped when I swung them around. Worse. Don't remeber anything about the game other than they didn't reprint my favorite. (Bash)

I am not even sure if I owned this one. But i had the lobster toy so here it is.

I tried to get into V but something about this game just didn't click with me. Maybe it was the movement, maybe it was the fact this game is ugly as fuck. I'll have to try it again but I am in no rush too. hoping VI is better.

Got this for 5 dollars while wanting a cute RPG maker game and thats what I got. Its nothing special but its creepy enough to be worth it

This game is some fucking lame dude I am sorry