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this game plays like a game from 10 years ago, and looks just about the same. And thats because it is. This game is almost exclusively used for Thomas the Tank engine fan remakes and that about says it all.

This game was a slog, an absolute slog. The game chugs on the hardware, hitting what feels like 10 frames a second at times. Especially when bosses appear, which does not help the very jank camera and autolock on for big enemies, often it feels more of a fight against the game than the bosses. Another issue is the story, which feels so underwhelming and lame especially compared to what was promised. Impa is the most fun character and also broken as shit.

This game is absolutely gorgeous and its ost is incredible but thats about it. It didn't manage to keep my attention or have any characters I was able to fall in love with. At least its pretty.

can't wait for this to be killed off and I can't transfer old pokemon smile.

I played this game for 5 minutes and got instantly bored

One of my most played games. As a kid I was obsessed with this game, terrible too, but I could play it for hours. Now a days its flaws are more apparent to me. Lack of meaningful singleplayer an a painful roster mostly.

some of the best times you can have with friends.

New Super Mario Bros DS, but on the wii.

This game has got the classic charm from classic Puyo games and a bright almost sickening neon artstyle which I absolutely adore. However it practically boasting how it is now in 3D with gross 3D puyos and its abysmally short length in story mode hold it down a bit. However, this did introduce Fever mode, which for my money is easily the most fun Puyo mode. By carefully balancing your chains and garbage you can enter a "fever pitch" which lets you rapid fire chaining and really lay the hurt in. Also, this OST is like injecting a pixie stick into you're blood veins.

This game has Palutena. fucking, 10/10

I thought this game was a fun time. Not insane but I won't lie if I didn't cry a bit when I got the best ending. Also it gave my brother nightmares, which I find funny.

I am not even sure if I owned this one. But i had the lobster toy so here it is.