This game is an absolute treat! Not only does it host some of the most fluid and fun gameplay systems ever, in Spidey's webslinging (which completely invalidates fast travel) but in general its one of the best Spiderman stories to come out in a long time. Nearly everything here is polished to perfection, with the exception of the Miles and Mary Jane missions. By the end of the game its clear they began to realize how to make these fun (escaping a bickering Rhino and Scorpion as miles was incredibly tense) it doesn't save the rest of the mechanic. I also feel a distinct lack of villains in this title, the main story features a treasure trove yes, with the sinister 6, kingpin, and shocker, but if you were excited for potential side quests, like I was, you're going to be disappointed. With only tombstone, taskmaster and the ever obnoxious screwball to look forward too. Despite these gripes this still remains one of my favorites on the PS4 and I cannot wait for a sequal!

The best of the trilogy IMO, with the atmosphere of 1 back it feels a lot more gloomy than 2 while keeping 2's general insanity. Unlike 2 however, the level of ridiculousness feels earned and understandable by the end. The games cast is also my favorite of the three, with each character being memorable and never as obnoxious as the lows in 1 or 2. The ending is also a standout, with the villain being much more fun than what came before and completely recontextualizing the insanity of the game.

Easily one of my favorites in the series, unique cast, a dozen different modes, and an actual complex story mode. Sega really knocked it out of the park with this one and I hope in future they look back on this and improve on it, instead of tetris 3 or whatever.

Got this for 5 dollars while wanting a cute RPG maker game and thats what I got. Its nothing special but its creepy enough to be worth it

This games pretty damn fun! Some wack online and a pretty annoying autocombo system keep from being perfect but I can't wait to see where it is in a few years.

I tried to get into V but something about this game just didn't click with me. Maybe it was the movement, maybe it was the fact this game is ugly as fuck. I'll have to try it again but I am in no rush too. hoping VI is better.

Portal introduces the Portal Gun, the most fun weapon in gaming bar none. Its hard to explain how such a simple device manages to carry the whole game, but it does. Unfortunately this games short length of about 3 hours really manages to hold it back, it tells some neat story, and GLaDOS is fun as always, but it does feel like a prologue to Portal 2 in many ways. still a great time.

Platinum remains as one of the most definitive Pokemon experiences. Its only issue, game speed, has gone from game breaking in DP to only noticeable here. Everything else is improved as well, from the new trainer designs and towns really selling the cold northern feel, to its pokedex, which is one of my favorites in terms of variety, to gym puzzles which are much more memorable than what DP had to offer. Add onto that one of the more challenging games in the series, and a killer OST and you have the perfect Pokemon Game.

This game is so much more than its original. The portal gun remains one of the most well designed pieces of gaming ever created, every puzzle feels challenging yet rewarding, and most importantly incredibly fun. Not only this but its story is guns blazing too. with only 3 characters to interact with it manages to pull off some surprising emotional beats. GLaDOS will forever be a favorite in terms of villains in general. Valve also knocks it out of the park in terms of atmosphere. Nothing can compare to the deepest most desolate parts of Aperture Labs.

This game is a great update to mario 64. New playable characters, new worlds and levels, the minigames! its great. All except for the controls. Ironically the biggest issue I had with the first one comes back to bite its remake in a different way. Its clunky to move around in a 3D space here and simply isnt very fun. If they had waited for the 3Ds to make this, it may have been the perfect game. oh well.

Undertale is a great time, cute, witty, charming, and a killer OST. Its hard to not love this little gem. That being said its not flawless. Outside of the battle UI the game is incredibly ugly. Character sprites are just bleh. The story is far from impressive and is very much held up by its likeable characters.

Pokemon Gen 6 will always have a place in my heart but I find it hard to say it compares to the three generations before it or the on after it. Everything just falls so flat. Its far and away the easiest pokemon game to date, which is an accomplishment. Megas while cool feel incredibly underused. The time between start and badge 3 is roughly how long the rest of the game is. And Kalos is just not a fun region to explore.

Sakuya Izayoi gives you advice and dabs and Nitori Kawashiro offers you advice in exchange for cucumbers and eats the cucumbers. What more could you ask for