I love Johto, I really do, but boy is this region hard to replay sometimes. Clunky move pools, really annoying methods of catching Pokémon, and the wacko level curve really hurt this game. Its still good of course, just the least good version out of three options.

I will say, Johto is hard carried by its aesthetic. It is one of the coziest games ever for me. Its music, its rustic setting, its simple quite region. Johto always leaves a strong impression.

A Link to the Past is great. ALTTP does very little wrong. Its kind of hard to explain how this game just gets it right. However, it just doesn't do anything to blow me away in any specific way. Combined with some really lame later dungeons are Link to the Past ends at just very strong, instead of a 10 or a 9. An absolute classic despite this.

Katamari is a game entirely its own. Nothing compares to it. Its silly, its funny, its charming. And its OST is shockingly incredible. It takes its weird concept of a marble that grows bigger as you hit stuff and takes it to the logical extreme. Great game.

This is one of the most insane, crazy, heart pounding experiences I have ever had the pleasure to play. And its a 20 year old Touhou Soccer parody. 10/10 this is a genuinely amazing game.

i don't think this is an actual video game i think this is a compilation of clips that people will forever use to make unfunny memes on twitter

Touhou 10 is a game that just is filled with Touhou. Its a feeling thats hard to explain, in a series more than 25 games strong, mainline or otherwise, Touhou 10 is the one that embodies the series the most. When I think "Touhou" and what the series embodies I inevitably come back to MOF. With its jawdropped beautiful score, cosey & warm autumn aesthetic and themes of Gods, Faith, the connection of the past and future. It is the perfect Touhou game...

In all but gameplay. Its not bad naturally but the usage of only two characters and the odd bomb system push it down a little for me in how its played. The Marisa glitch is absolutely amazing though.

I cannot stress enough how much I adore this game's presentation and personality. Every Touhou game has a unique mood, tone, and themes. They range from viewing pretty flowers to accidently creating surveillance states. But this simple little game about faith and fall and the beauty of nature just wins me over like nothing else

18.5 is easily one of the most fun touhou games I have had the pleasure to play through. This one is far different than most, focusing on randomly generated stages and a random boss at the end of each. In these stages you earn two types of currency, which are used for ability cards, each granting a special buff, passive, or move to use in that run. There is also the addition of the Magic Circle, which will freeze bullets for a period of time, allowing you to attack patterns in special ways.
18.5 is an absolute blast, its super fun to just hop on and play a few rounds, hop off, and then come back a bit later. I do think it suffers from being a bit bare in content, there could def be a few more enemy patterns and bosses, but other than that super fun.

This game is far from remarkable, honestly it kinda drags a bit with levels that are from from challenging or in-depth. But its classic Kirby so its charm makes up for it. I didn't bother to 100% this and get the true final boss only because collecting all the shards seems like a massive pain.

On a side note, its multiplayer is genuinely insanely fun. Like shockingly so.

A very simple trade game carried by its super fun writing and cute art. If you like Touhou you'll like this its super well written.

This is the single most deranged game I have ever experienced. Noodles are the future.

The theme of this game is that Covid killing in person interactions fucking sucked and I think that's neat. Like all Touhous its a really solid shump with banging music and super fun patterns.
This one functions somewhat like a rouge lite with each run being changed by what cards you buy at each boss. Some boost your power, some give you new abilities, some let you cheat death. Its a really fun system that means every run is just a little different. And a lot of the fun is seeing some crazy interactions between them. I personally love Eiki and Erins together. Its not good but refusing to die is very funny.

Pokemon as a franchise is at its best when you just get to interact with the Pokemon and enjoy them for the cute fun and wacky monsters they are. And this is game has it in spades, full of personality, this game still holds itself strong 20+ years on. It is shocking it took 20+ years for a sequel

This game is pretty good ! But its really impossible to say how I feel about it because its story is frankly, batshit crazy and impossible to really fully get on first playthrough. Avoiding spoilers, there are twists in here that truly do shock the entire experience to its core and I still do not know if that is for better or worse. Overall it is still a rock solid story, and everything good from the first is back and just as good if not better. Especially Somniums which see a vast improvement. I do feel like neither protag is as fun to watch as Date however, even if I like mizuki a lot.