62 Reviews liked by Fusti

Joguei essa masterbosta no meu 3DS desbloqueado baixando a rom nele, tentaram inovar com esse novo ovo gigante mas não funcionou muito bem, tanto que mal usam essa mecânica e quando usa é em seções curtas e chatas. A trilha sonora é uma maravilhosa e linda orquestra de peidos, o que sempre me faz rir quando eu abro o menu e me deparo com ela.

juego muy simpatico y cortito jugadlo todos o moriré

The story behind this masterpiece of a game is absolutely stirring, you can experience every single human emotion in only 5 minutes of gameplay. The story telling and gameplay are flawless, it drags you into the game and it feels like you’re part of this thrilling adventure with the two British lads whose backs are specifically trained to carry the weight of the entire lgbt community. 10/10

didnt really get it and i left it without beating the final boss because it killed me a couple of times and i dont feel like playing more

hice un dibujo de un tucumano comiendole la concha a jigsaw re epico

voy a arrancar diciendo que hace mucho no veia una cantidad tan grotesca de presupuesto tan bien usada y que Fares es un loco de mierda hermoso que de seguro se encargo personalmente de contar y distribuir cada centavo y encima seguro le sobro para comprar merca para el y todo el equipo porque el juego es una
volada de cabeza.

it takes two es para compartirlo, con tu mejor amigo, con tu pareja, con tu mama, con cualquier persona que te caiga bien, pueda usar un control y tenga un minimo de coordinacion ojo mano, en serio, esta constantemente dando y a cambio solo te pide que te diviertas (y que pienses un poquito a veces) tiene una cantidad de gimmicks exorbitantes que cambian muchisimo el gameplay haciendo que no te puedas aburrir nunca, esta llenisimo de humor, de vistas hermosas, de mecanicas divertidas y tiene un libro hispano violentamente sexy que menea la pelvis cada vez que aparece.

You'd think that a game whose opening minutes are "what if Sonic the Hedgehog... was a bit edgier?" wouldn't have as much goddamn pathos as this does but well here we are

ojala mas juegos con dos moñecos por kart funciona increíble

alguna vez sentiste eso de que el mundo es un pañuelo? en outer wilds el sistema solar entero es un pañuelo.
no voy a spoilear nada porque, como me dijeron amigos que me lo recomendaron, este juego se experimenta mejor sin saber nada de el al respecto, y tenian razon.
personalmente el espacio es un tema que me aterra y fascina al mismo tiempo, y asi me senti durante todo el playthrough, con miedo, pero tambien con curiosidad de investigar cada parte de los pequeños planetas que tiene este titulo, de ir descubriendo poco a poco cada parte de la historia y de conectar los puntos casi como si estuviera dibujando una constelacion.
tambien me parecio que tiene partes bastante frustrantes que estan ligadas mas que nada al sistema de locomocion del juego y a como interactuas con el entorno, de hecho esto hizo que me tome unas cuantas horas mas terminarlo, pero si le tienen un poquito de paciencia no es nada grave ademas de que no es un titulo largo de por si

Doesn't really have much going on but it's an absolutely superb game to play to just keep yourself sane when trapped on an 8-hour zoom call where you have to look like you're sort-of engaged.


yes mom i am waiting on a corner to smack monsters with my torch in the verge of a heart attack while all my belongings are laying around me yes i am doing fine thank you

Security system TAKES CONTROL OF SQUIDWARD'S HOUSE and begins ATTACKING THE CITY, leaving the mayor to give Squidward community service for the damage he caused, EVEN THOUGH Spongebob and Patrick were in his house the WHOLE FUCKING TIME, and were responsible for EVERYTHING! GAAH! FUCK THIS EPISODE! This episode is when the Squidward torture porn started to become a regular staple in Spongebob's episodes and this one is one of the meanest, cruelest, and just plain unfair of them all. All Squidward wanted to do is enjoy one day to himself, but that can NEVER HAPPEN when he lives next to Spongebob and Patrick, can it?

Difficulty curve? More like difficulty wall. Don't wanna grind.

A world clinging to the almost non-existent life that's left, suffering for eternity. Existence is merely a word here. "Meaning" lost it's meaning long ago.

Oh also you can fish. It's neat