incredibly amazing and fun experience
can't wait for the next one

An absolutely phenomenal experience. I would've never expected to be won over and invested so quickly on something but that's what happened here. Very glad there's a lot more for me to get through

Very good remake that stays faithful to the original in all the right ways whilst still modernizing it. I never played much of the original so it was fun to actually finish it and understand why its such a highly regarded game. It's a bit easy but its a Mario RPG so that's par for the course but the postgame content served as a satisfying enough challenge

It's a little rough around the edges, especially after coming from 0, but for what it is, its still a good time

Despite the rough start getting used to the new engine and the changes it brought, I enjoyed this game quite a bit. Story was good and, overall, a surprisingly solid experience

Is it good? No. Is it awful? Also no
It's like the troubled child that you can't help but love still but instead of parental love it's a "You're such a fucking idiot (affectionate)" kind of love
However it does have a trans woman and handles her very respectfully, even when cracking jokes, and for that, its a 10/10

Despite the many patches, it's still glitchy and has performance hiccups but it's still a solid experience overall, especially for a Star Wars fan like myself. Definitely buy it at a cheaper price like I did

As for the game itself; story was a little bit of a letdown compared to the last game but still a good follow-up. The real improvements came in the gameplay with new stances and force powers to play around with. 100% was a nightmare tho (moreso because of how terrible the map is to navigate and use in some areas (minimap would've been appreciated)) due to how much there was to collect and there's not much reward for doing so. Except for the bounty missions. THAT was a good reward

Very fucking stupid game (affectionate)

I have no idea how to write my thoughts on this game. sometimes its great, sometimes its the complete polar opposite. I still enjoyed it though and it managed to stick the landing in the end so I'm just glad I finally got around to playing it

I will say however that it was a lot of fun blitzing through the latter half of the game with a pure magic build, watching even endgame bosses go down in seconds

Very solid game. I went in not really feeling like exploring an open plain to actually enjoying it pretty quickly. Combat is also improved from its predecessor

I'm not big on a lot of the story additions/changes. It might take some time to really go over them and see some of the bigger implications but for now, its part 3 waiting time. Hopefully its not another 4 year wait

the half star is for kafka

I came back for BS and was genuinely surprised at how much I enjoyed this patch. HUUGGEEEEE improvement over the Xianzhou. I can only hope it keeps up the same level of quality with later instalments

Kinda mixed on this one. I enjoyed it but there's a LOT I didn't like or even mesh with (i.e. almost the entirety of Part 3)
A lot of the goings-on felt really pointless, especially in the finale. Characters were doing things for the sake of doing things, twists happened that were beyond dumb (even for this series) and by the end I had enough. I did enjoy the fights though, the final one especially
I dunno. I heard this one was really good after the shaky quality and "your mileage may vary" of 1-4 so I'm a bit disappointed its like this for me

Phenomenal fucking video game