I don't hate it, but I really don't think a single mechanic in this game worked 100% of the time. Massive downgrade from Zero Mission (even if that was 10 years after). Really needs a remake of some kind in the style of the GBA games

I did like the visuals and music though, really added to the atmosphere and is impressive for the time

definitely a 1991 gameboy game

gonna try this again but with the remake at some point and when its not so pricey

suuuuuuuuuper fun game, enjoyed it a lot more than I was expecting. Only really had issues with some of the platforming and the hook powerup not attaching to ledges sometimes but apart from that, amazing

I wish Crow made me lunch.

Really fun game. Heard some had issues with pacing on the first act and some on the second but honestly I didn't feel any of it, was enjoying it the whole way, a lot more than CS1 since it didn't take years to get going (though I still respect and like it because without it then its predecessors wouldn't have nearly as much ground to be built on)

Still not my favourite Trails game, it loses to the Crossbell games and SC, but still like I said a fun and engaging journey. Only things that really hold it back for me are that I don't like C7 as much as the SSS and Sky cast. No one's really bad there's just a lot more "yeah you're alright" characters here, along with some I find annoying/need to never speak again

Waited for Geofront's translation to drop before playing this and wow was it worth every sceond.

Amazing game and an even better follow-up to Zero. Currently my favourite Trails game and one of my favourite games overall as I'm writing this.

Loved it from start to finish. Randy's my favourite character now, (or is at least tied with/just short of Olivier) and his arc was just as amazing as I'd heard, along with the plot and music and just about everything

Thank you Kondo. Very excited to continue the series

I'm probably gonna be an outlier here, but I don't think this game is the GOAT or anything like that. Still enjoyed it, the story, music, characters (Kaine and Weiss especially), but I just really wish some stuff was changed.

I wish fast travel was available during Act 1, and was less restrictive when it becomes available in Act 2, thankfully the world isn't too big, but if you're questing a lot like me then you start to notice it being an issue. Speaking of, questing is so boring in this game. They all have the same objectives of "go collect these materials", or "go talk to this person in this town", or on the rare case it's "go kill this thing". At least the plotlines for some of them were enjoyable and in typical NieR fashion were bittersweet at best

I also didn't really enjoy getting the other endings. Them themselves were good, but having to replay through parts of the game again with nothing much changed except for the occasional 30 second cutscene just wasn't enough for me, and I don't understand why a lot of it wasn't just in the first playthrough or, if you had to do a second playthrough, then let me play as someone else, like B Route in Automata. I was also disappointed with E Route, since it was over so quick, and it made it feel like doing all that replaying wasn't worth it. I still liked it and thought it was good, but I was just expecting a little more, y'know?

Like I said though, still enjoyed the game, still recommend it, just maybe stick to one playthrough, and watch the other endings online or something

Honestly enjoyed this game a lot more than I was expecting. The new characters (Zenkichi, Sophia and Ichinose) are all great, the story's a little lackluster (mainly in its villains as I felt nothing for them really) but it's still fully enjoyable, and the gameplay was surprisingly fun for its genre, my only real complaint being that boss fights can take forever due to their high hp. Still a great game though, and I definitely recommend it, especially to those who enjoyed P5/R