Kind of a step back in the franchise.Why do they get rid of the level editor? Why????

On paper I should love this game but I found it was tedious and boring.

Bring back the tournament. I don't care about the dumb story. The Tournament works fine as a plot device. That's all we need. Also, the DLC characters are all the same.Bring back the horror and eighties action hero. That was rad.

Is this the one where you shoot the guy?

Zzzzzzz meh, just don't care. So slow.

Don't think about the micro transactions.

The first mission styl of game should of been the entire game. Why wasn't there any World War 1 western front battles in your WW1 game? The Multi player is probably the best in the series.
If you care about historically accuracy , stay away. But still soild.

I just didn't see the fun factor and got really overwhelmed and stopped playing after 2 hrs.

Completely heartbreaking it's a shame to see a game cater to the lowest common denominator. cat ears and neon Camouflage. I'm just getting too old for this. What's wrong with the children today.


Damn it! it's a puzzle game or a wast