This game should be remastered

We play the same level over and over and over again isn't fun surprisingly...

just couldn't get into it. I didn't really like the character designs.

Fun with the interesting story. But the fact that the damaged cities don't stay damaged kind of kills the whole point.

I mean like really it's my fault for expecting something much more. They delivered everything they said. I just didn't care enough.

You pretend to like games in the mid-eighties because it's all your had, but really they're pretty bad.

The best one. You can make your own fighter! Why did they abandon this? If you can do it in 2006, can do it in 2024. Like, come on guys.


Fun concept, but it took too long to get into the car combat stuff. I'd rather just play mad max

I'm sure it's fine, but there's so many games like this that you need to put in eighty hours just to get a foothold into it, and I just won't.

Great game because it was first of ita kind, but not really fun because it's fucking impossible.

Neat, but only online games I can't really get behind.

The potential hear is great.Too bad about the whole law suit. I guess the only true thing that can kill jason is capitalism.

Amy game with a level editor is a good game in my books