I knew the game was gonna be horse shit and it did not disappoint!

Characters are very fun and likable. (I love their dynamics haha) Story felt slow at times but when it got serious it was really good. Despite running kinda dogshit on the switch, I had a very fun time with the gameplay and game mechanics.

I genuinely can't fathom how this game manged to bounce back from CS4's rocky writing. I was worried at first how they were going to handle the game having 50+ playable characters but surprisingly it was decently handled. Seeing characters you've watched grow and mature over the course of 9 games coming together to save the world was truly satisfying. A wonderful conclusion to the Crossbell and Cold Steel games.

I tend to somewhat excuse stories in video games because I mainly focus on gameplay and characters, but when it comes to Trails games, I will be more harsher with my criticisms because the games are very story focus first and foremost. There are way to many things that confuse me such as the fact that the main party goes around taking requests across the empire when their country is going to war?? Like why??? Also why is their little to no deaths at all?? Like some characters live without repercussion?? Like this really makes me upset because there are many amazing aspects I love about this game such as Ash and Altina's character arcs and the big reunion in Act 2. I also really wish New class 7 got more focus since I feel like they are way more endearing compared to Old class 7.

The game is buggy, especially in chapter 2. Aside from that the game is enjoyable.

Equally as amazing as its predecessor. Randy Orlando character arc is peakkk. I just wish the game was a bit longer.

I don't thinks words alone can do justice to how amazing this game is. The main characters are well written and endearing and the story is genuinely insane. Highly recommend this game if you're in the mood for a story focused game.

Extremely fun puzzle game with a story that will keep you wanting more. Missile best character.

It took me a while to finally grasp that I had witnessed the entire Klaus saga in the span of 4 months, as well as the fact that the journey is finally over. A beautiful conclusion to a wonderful overarching story. Gameplay wise, my only two problems are making the sidequest of looking for manuals to unlock skills/gem/arts slots kinda mandatory and how the two defender characters (Shulk and Nikol) are unable to draw aggro quicker. I also really wish that Glimmer and Nikol got more development. :(

I don't think words alone can describe how amazing this was.. While the gameplay and story are amazing, the highlight of this game are the characters. I can't describe the amount of times the characters made me laugh, cry, and smile. A beautiful conclusion to an overarching narrative.

Words alone can't express how amazing this DLC was... It's amazing how lovable the characters are in a 10 hour long game. The gameplay is a huge improvement over base Xenoblade 2. I loved Jin in the base game and I love him even more after playing this. The most heartbreaking and devastating ending I've ever seen. Highly recommend it if you're in the mood to cry.

My biggest issues with this game is the oversexualization of women and the shitty tutorial, I could forgive these problems if there was a 1 hour cutscene of Jin and Malos having gay sex. Jokes aside, the story blew my mind away, I did not expect this game to tackle more heavy subjects compared to the first game. Malos is an amazing antagonist; a perfect mix of funny, threatening, tragic and homosexual.

I don't care what anyone says, the ponspectors mechanic is so fucking cute. Also more Melia content is dope, I just there was a bit more, if i'm being honest.

To the white british boy who told me to play this: YOURE MID!!!