If you only play one survival horror game in your life then make it this one.

David Cage is a colossal blowhard who once described this game as being 'like Blade Runner except you're supposed to sympathize with the androids' which is possibly the funniest analogy and worst misread of all time. But this game rules.


A perfect example of the insane popularity of platformers during my childhood is Glover, a game in which you jump around as a fucking glove.

I've played a lot of games in my life and this is by far the worst. I genuinely think this is the worst game of all time. Unplayable.

This is a really good racing sim and I love the online focus, but there's not nearly enough to do offline and it gets pretty repetitive if you play a lot.

I love 2k but I only play MyCareer, so when I heard Spike Lee was going to do the story intro I could not have been more hyped. Too bad it sucks ass. Melodramatic trash story that just does not work at all with the ultra-corporate product of a 2k game. Idk who thought the nickname "Frequency Vibrations" was a good idea.

Easily the best rally racing game ever made. It looks great and controls perfectly but it is punishingly difficult.

I dreamed of this game as a child. Now that it is finally here, I feel sort of empty playing it. As though the series has lost its charm. I don't think it has. I think I have just gotten older and outgrown the series. Playing this made me sad.

This is a masterpiece. It is a beautiful example of the uniqueness of games as a medium. The writing, music, art style, and sound design all drew me in to this strange and occasionally unsettling narrative. Some of the scenes in this will stick with me for a long time. Warning: It's a lot of reading. I played this for an hour or two before bed each night and that was perfect.

This is definitely more in the RE 4, 5, and 6 camp than a "survival horror" game but I think it's fantastic. I found the RE 2 remake to be slightly better (and much meatier) but I think this remake works super well. The action feels smooth and it looks great, especially the lighting. Nemesis is relentless and terrifying; if the Tyrant is the Terminator then Nemesis is the T-1000.

As a Gwent fiend in Witcher 3 I thoroughly enjoyed this game. The art style is cool and the story was incredibly rich, which is par for the course so far for CD Projekt Red. Do you like Gwent? You'll like this. Do you hate Gwent? You'll hate this.

I have 80+ hours on the original game. It's one of my favorite RPGs ever. This version is even better. I got about 45 hours in and decided I just don't want to continue for what would likely be double that since I have already beaten the main game. But that doesn't mean this isn't a strong 5/5.

I picked this up for the art style alone, and the art is both this game's greatest strength and greatest weakness. It's a strength because it is absolutely gorgeous and faithful to animation of old (without all the baggage, racism, etc.) but it's a weakness because the screen gets really busy and it's incredibly difficult to see what is going on at times. I cannot imagine playing this in co-op, adding another moving character and more particles and such. This chaos along with some unfortunate RNG at the end made some of the bosses artificially difficult. Fortunately, the difficulty throughout is mostly fair and the controls are as perfectly tight and responsive as they need to be. It's a great game but I would honestly recommend just watching someone play through this on YouTube rather than playing it yourself.

This is a deeply moving story told in a unique and creative way. It takes full advantage of the medium and there are some truly incredible moments here, including one near the end that I think makes this game worth buying all on its own. It's barely a game, more of a storybook, but the story is rich enough both in what it tells you and what you can discover on your own that it's well worth a play.