113 Reviews liked by Gameplayer246

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with LittleBigPlanet 2.
Moreso than the first game, the campaign this time around is much more fantastical and imaginative, which, while fun, kind of robs the game of some of the quaint feeling its predecessor had - the original LittleBigPlanet is a globe-throtting adventure told through an arts and crafts project, this is just a full on sci-fi fantasy video game.
And that's like, fine.
All the characters are still demonstrably either dolls or made out of papercraft materials, we've just moved into a much more anthropomorphisized world.
It has its advantages and disadvantages, the game has a far greater focus on character writing with companions that follow you around the world and dedicated cutscenes between levels, your character is a part of a big ensemble cast which, while one-dimensional, is still suitably entertaining.
Do I kind of miss the tourist-y feel of the original game's campaign? Yeah, it lended itself better to the customization aspect of it all with your character being able to use the different outfits of the places they were visiting (a whole decade before Mario Odyssey did it too!), but this kind of goofy parody mixture between Star Wars and Ocean's 11 works well enough here and makes the game feel distinct from its predecessor.

As far as the actual levels are concerned they're often both very long and also have a tendency of feeling like tech demos more than anything, the game's more preoccupied with showing you all the cool ways in which you can use the new creator tools than it is in having a good coherent campaign, which results in more than a few dud levels across the campaign with gimmicks that maybe could have been left on the cutting room floor.

That said, it's hard to deny how much more fleshed out the customization and level creation in this game is, there's stuff here that's just outright coding language presented in a way to be easily understood and utilized by a kid and that's something to be commended - there were user-created levels in this game that would put some actual professional projects out there to shame.

Now did -I- use any of these amazing new tools that would let you take your creations to the next level? Well... no, I was a bit too dumb to wrap my head around it all and ultimately I just kinda wanted to make levels where you jump on stuff, which is where my bigger problem with the game arises: it's a bit TOO complex.
I realize that's kind of a nothing complaint, but I think there's some merit to it - LittleBigPlanet 2 increased the complexity of level creation to such a degree from the first game to the point where it stopped feeling like you could just pick the game up and make a fun level, anything you could make in a few hours with friends would just feel inadequate next to the gargantuant projects that smarter and more dedicated players could put together - is that a big of a skill issue on my part? Sure, but I think a game that's all about promoting creativity making it feel like your ideas aren't as good as other people's isn't exactly ideal.

Still, all of that said I had a grand time with this game as a kid and that's something I just can't brush aside, I can't think of a game since this one that allowed me to make so many friends and have fun all within the game itself with no outside input - it's likely that there'll never be anything quite like this again, and I'm glad that, despite the faults, I was there to experience it.

What a charming little game, a globe-throtting adventure through the lens of a child's arts and crafts project.
It's not the most mechanically demanding game, however its unorthodox physics-based control scheme and level design is unique enough to warrant a visit, even in its current stripped down state.

Of course that was never the main selling point of LittleBigPlanet as an experience, this was once a game with an ungodly amount of possibilities for self-expression - nearly every mechanic exists in the context of allowing you to customize everything around you, including the levels themselves.
It was kind of the perfect game for kids at the time, a place that allowed you to create your own ways to play and share them with others, both as hubs for them to experience by themselves and as things you can show to the people playing with you at that very moment.

I still enjoy going back to the game's campaign from time to time, it's very cute and charming, but nothing will ever quite match the heights of playing this with friends near and far on a summer afternoon.

Link to my Arkham Knight review - https://www.backloggd.com/u/Flameyboy928/review/1419456/

I really didnt care for this one at all. While I like playing as Catwoman, the way this one plays is horrible. Basic premise is Catwoman wants to steal money from Riddler after the events of Arkham Knight. Basically a couple stealth sections and a brawl at the end. The final bit is a pisstake for how hard it is, due to it I will probably never play this again. The only thing that saves this is getting to fuck with The Riddler after 4 games of torment. Also listening to the Riddler try and pretend he is on the phone to his lawyer while Catwoman is stealing all his shit is hilarious. Would not recommend, just watch it online.



Abzu was the first game I have played on my steamdeck OLED. The game itself is a fun chill time. I found myself really enjoying the visual design of the underwater world and creatures within the world. The score i found to be really good and quite enjoyable to listen to, this score will be going on my Spotify gaming playlist. The story was very minimal but I understood what it was going for in the restoration of mother nature. Overall it was a fun quick game and well worth playing on the DECK.

These DLCs just make the reality of Gotham Knights hit even harder man...

Anyway Rocksteady please make an Arkham game but you play as:
-Nightwing or Robin
-Nightwing and Robin
-Nightwing, Robin and Batgirl (pre-wheel chair)
-Red Hood would also be acceptable.

Honestly I would take a game about any of the 4 of them but I pref Nightwing because he's my boy. The dream would be Rocksteady just does Gotham Knights but like good and actually like an Arkham game. Please.

I feel like everything in this has a downside. The batmobile is fun and satisfying to play, but its used too much. The story is the most thematically dense and riveting yet; but its Jason Todd twist is the most disappointing ending for the Arkham series.
However, this is the Arkham game I always choose to return to because its combat, world, and movement has never been more refined than it is here. It really is a beautiful gameplay system they perfected here. Also 9 years later, this game still has the greatest graphics ive ever seen. Its baffling looking at side by side images with the suicide squad cutscenes in 2024 and just normal gameplay from 2015. There truly is so much love and passion poured into this that is just gone now

I’ve never played a Sakura Wars game before, so I didn’t know what to expect besides mech fighting.

Turns out, despite being a mech game, the mechs aren’t really a focus? It’s more of a Slice of Life/Harem Visual Novel with simple hack-and-slash mech combat thrown in.

That’s not to say it’s completely bad, it’s just different than what it was advertised as.

The story starts pretty decent, but around the midpoint it kinda forgets it has a main plot for a little bit and just focuses on character driven plot lines. This wouldn’t be a problem in a longer game, but Sakura Wars is about 15-20 hours long, and this part just makes the main plot lose momentum.

Characters are for the most part well written, but after a certain point almost every interaction with your party members is ‘comedic misunderstanding’, where the protag is accused of being a horny pervert over the most random things.

Combat is super simple and doesn’t evolve or change in any way, except for one party member getting an upgrade. All the characters play differently though, but you can’t choose your party for most of the few combat sections this game has. Combat is also paired with awkward platforming.

If you need a quick mech fix, I’d recommend playing this for at least one playthrough.

This game was quite a bit better than I thought it would be, the character models were high quality and Tite Kubo is an excellent character designer to have on board for this. Had a decent story and fun gameplay, I had a good time with it.

Improves on Jedi Fallen Order in basically every way, but most importantly for me, giving us more mobility and combat options.

I loved the story and how it's not afraid to pull punches. There are real stakes felt almost immediately and the third act is just so well done.

Super Mario Wonder is a delightfully creative game and a very fun platforming romp. Unless you truly, deeply dislike platformers there's really no reason not to give it a shot.

Thanks Nintendo for not letting this series suffer with the same formula. The most refreshing Mario game ever

Nintendo remembered they can actually make good 2-D Mario games and got off their asses after like 14 years.

Inside is a simple but engaging side scroller,
The themes within this game make you think which IMO is great. The art style is simple but effective, the lack of music is creepy. Let's talk about the puzzles they make you think a bit as some aren't as straightforward as you would think but none of them made me think "how does this work or this isnt right" I think they were a massive improvement over Limbo, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing it.

I will tell you I now understand why RE4 gets so much hype around it. This game was amazing from start I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. I have now played RE2,3,4 & 5 and I can safely say RE4 is the best so far in the series and from my understanding that has not changed as further titles are released.

The remake is a phenomenal achievement. if it wasn't for it, I would never play this game and I am glad I did. In just over 10 hours it so far is the longest in the series. The setting starts off very horror based but then turns into something so over the top and jaw dropping at the same time that I found myself never getting bored of the game or wondering when it was going to rather, I was wondering where it was going next.

The graphics are top tier with stunning set pieces, Audio design is on par. Enemy variety is good, always throwing something new at you so you are never bored.

The story is also quite good with the plot making sense and engaging throughout the play through.

From what I understand Ashley in the original used to be quite annoying, but I think they made some tweaks to her as she was fine through the game.

This game is definitely one of my highlights of the year easy 5/5 for me.