113 Reviews liked by Gameplayer246

Miles Morales is a really good middle game; this is not knocking it in anyway, but you can tell this is not meant to be a full release in the series as in it is not numbered if it was it would be Spider-man 1.5.

Miles feels just as good as SP1 in terms of graphics, audio and gameplay the game is incredible in that sense. Where I think the game lacks is once you finish the main story and have done the "proper" side quest there is no real incentive to do any of the smaller thing in the world as where SP1 I 100% it and loved every moment of it where I do not feel like I need to in Miles. In saying that I do feel like that is a positive though because the does not overstay it's welcome and is a short and sweet experience that I really enjoyed and got to explore more of Miles and bond with him and invest in his story. IF anything, Miles only hypes me even further for Spider-man 2 weather I play that on PS5 or wait for the eventual PC release that I am yet decided on.

If anyone reckons, I should play it now let me know.

Playing RE3 straight after RE2 is the best thing you can do, as this game compliments RE2 so well as the shorter slightly more action focused sequal. I really enjoyed my time playing RE3. The graphics, audio design was all on par with RE2. I much prefer Nemesis to Mr T. The story is not as good as RE2 but does the job well. As I said in my RE2 review for a bundle of $12 for both of these games they are a steal and are well worth the money and time. I now have a new found appreciation for the Resident evil series, now to play the rest of the series.

“That’s my ice cream cone! You can have it.”

A short puzzle platform that knows what it wants to be. The story is the main highlight of this game with its fairy tale storybook style. The gameplay is fairly simple and easy with the most difficult puzzle being completely optional. The biggest issue is that jumping feels too floaty and a little imprecise but it's level design is simple and forgiving enough the point that it doesn't effect gameplay.

System: PlayStation 5
Rating: 76/100
Playtime: ~15 Hours

A game that clearly "feels" like a PlayStation 2 era game, but with the polish that makes the game look very nice as you're playing. The gameplay loop is a simple one, but for the most part feels good compared to the modern era of open world games being a huge slog to get through eventually.

The missions in this do end up feeling repetitive, but it's still a fun time to use the weapons in your arsenal. The game has a solid length, and especially if you stay with just the main missions, it doesn't ask for too much of your time. It's definitely worth a try, and it makes me wish we got a new entry in the series.

After playing the game as a kid. It seems somewhat outdated with average controls and repetitive gameplay. What the game lacks in finesse, it makes up with humour lost to the ages.

great star wars game. Rewarding gameplay with a solid story

Jedi survivor improves on everything Jedi fallen order did and then some. This is everything I could ask for in a star wars game. The visuals, story, voice acting and the amazing score and audio. This truly is a game of the year contender. The ONLY reason I am not giving this a 5/5 is the extremely bad performance I had even after waiting a whole month after launch with patches. It is a lot better than day 1 but leave a lot to be desired.

Somerville isn't as hard as previous games made by this dev team, makers of both Limbo and Inside which I played and finished both late last year and early this year. The puzzles are more straightforward and not as mind puzzling which in my opinion is good sometimes so you can just enjoy the story. This game I believe benefits from being more of a simpler 2d puzzler game as I was able to enjoy the story and art style more.

The story is good simple find your family plot but it works well,

Gameplay is simple enough with only 2 abilities throughout the whole game the mechanic of them is really fun. I honestly only had an issue with 1 or 2 puzzles as I wasn't really thinking hard enough.

Music is quite good simple enough that it blends into the background of the game that you don't even know it is there.

Art is lovely and unique and really pops in the colorful parts.

I would recommend this if you have game pass (I played it like this) , get it on a sale and or a big fan of the developers previous 2 games



This review contains spoilers

If on one side of a coin is the sentiment that there are “masterpiece” games worth playing regardless of a person’s affinity for genre, the flip side of that coin is there are imperfect games within genres that, despite their failings, are worth checking out if someone is a big fan of the genre. Rime falls into this second category for third-person adventure games. It’s a beautifully animated game with exploration- and puzzle-based challenges ranging from frustrating to satisfying, but its gameplay never feels more than just competent. What makes Rime noteworthy is its attempts to incorporate allegory and metaphor into its level design, environmental storytelling, and mechanics.

What I enjoyed about Rime
• Rime’s vivid, cel-shaded art style does a great deal of heavy lifting to make the game a satisfying experience. Not only did the art style draw me in, but its flexibility in supporting a great range of colors and brightness is critical in carrying the narrative of the game.
• The designers’ attempts to represent emotional labor through gameplay have stuck with me since I played the game almost 2 years ago. I don’t think they succeed entirely, but I love the intention behind using gameplay as overt metaphor.
• The adorable fox that accompanies the main character through their journey made me and my partner routinely go “aw!” and “oh my gosh!” just because of its cute design and animations.

Why you may not want to play Rime
• GENERALIZED SPOILER: Rime is a game about grief—specifically grief over losing a loved one. I wouldn’t suggest this game to anyone grieving a recent loss.
• While Rime has no actual combat, there are a couple sections in which you must avoid enemies. In a couple instances, the game does a poor job of communicating what can and cannot be used as cover or a safe path.
• In relation to the previous bullet, Rime suffers from the wonky controls and frustrating camera angles that seem endemic to every mid-tier third person game. While never game breaking, they’re hard to ignore.



Any game that makes me emotional for a ball with legs deserves an award.

This game is 12 years old and I still regularly go back to play through every stage every now and again.
Sonic's never controlled better in 3D and the level design compliments it perfectly.
No matter how many times I go through Rooftop Run here it never gets old, they were just firing on all cylinders.
Planet Wisp is kinda wack but it's far from the worst this franchise has to offer.
Could the story be better? Sure, but ultimately story's not what I'm coming back to any Sonic game for.

Very solid. It very much feels like the precursor to both Assassin's Creed(for obvious reasons) and Uncharted. It doesn't overstay its welcome and the gameplay is quite fun for the most part, besides the combat sometimes. The music is also goated.