As many have said before, what Titanfall 2's campaign does best is that it gives you different mechanics to play with, but never leaves you with them long enough to make them boring. I cared very little for the story itself, but the gameplay of the campaign was top notch.

The first half was some damn good boomer shooter mayhem. The second half was exactly the same, but harder. Felt like it overstayed it's welcome a bit too much towards the end. Difficulty = More enemies that hit harder.

Literally a combo of Devil May Cry and a rythym game, with a Stella soundtrack, popping art style and heartwarming story. Although there were times that I thought that the mission structure was a bit too repetitive, tne story towards the end managed to keep me interested enough in the end to keep me going and see the ending through.

Not gonna lie, I used unlimited ammunition and Challenge assists to even make it through the story, and it was still incredibly difficult towards the end. With those assists enabled though, I think enough of a challenge was still imposed, and I thoroughly enjoyed the 5 or so hours I got out of this.

As not someone who commonly plays this genre or style of game, I really fell in love with sea of stars. The soundtrack was great, the dialogue was interesting enough for me to actually read and although at times traversal felt a bit like a slog, on the whole this will be a game I remember for a really long time.

Lovely little art style to this 4 to 5 hour linear puzzler. Appreciated the difficulty level for me it gave me a good couple of "ah ha" moments without being overly difficult. Would recommend for someone looking for something small to pick the brain. Whilst there is little to no active narrative, it's clear the game's story/setting is inspired by the existential, and that tone is set quite well.

Don't really know what to say about this one. Had no expectations going into this game and started it honestly, as a joke. Turned out to keep me quite entertained for a couple of hours. The first two games were funny, legitimately getting chuckles out of me. By the third game I felt a bit tired of the same structure being repeated, but I slogged through it to find a funny ending.

Pleasant enough little platformer, with a simple enough story and inclusion of the Fab Four. Loses marks for not including Daisy and Pluto and for the difficulty spike essentially going from easy free flowing platformer to a sit and wait festival while the enemies move in a nice enough line for you miss. Not tempted right now to 100% it but might revisit it at some point to complete it as I think it’s easy enough to pick up and play.

Essentially saying anything is a spoiler, highly recommended though, coming from someone who has never played a visual novel before