Narratively this is by far the best rgg game.
Despite some really annoying problems with the gameplay and flow of this game, its still my favorite rgg game overall so far.

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tldr this game is a mess but haruka and shinada are awesome

The good stuff first:
>Gameplay wise this game is easily my favorite so far
combat, bosses, side content is all the best in the series
>Kiryus depiction in this game is awesome. hes more angry and on the edge which is a different but welcome change
his part is also mostly solid, def bloated (a constant with this game) but i liked it overall
>haruka is fantastic. I love her story and how it plays into the themes of this game and she has some of her best scenes here. her part is also generally good, park is a great character (before her death at least). they were forced to be more creative for her gameplay and it mostly works out really well. enjoyed her minigames a ton. Akiyama unfortunately got shafted in this game but his presence is still cool and he gets some good scenes.
>shinada's part is my favorite thing in this game. the tonal shift from part 3 is pretty bad, but once I got used to it his sequence was fantastic. takasugi is great and shinada is really really good
his story is very soulful and relatable and his conclusion at the end is peak
>this game is VERY on the nose with its themes but I respect how ernest it is and the themes its playing around with arent bad at all and works great for the ending
Now the bad stuff I guess, which is very bad:
>This game's structure is VERY bad
The 4 parts dont mesh together at all and there is so much bloat
>Ungodly amounts of padding that shouldn't be there at all and it just gets really exhausting
>Saejima is odd. His character is better than in 4 but his part just doesn't acknowledge the events of 4 at all???? (some would say this is a good thing) and don't elaborate on his relationship with majima at all, instead choosing to focus on baba-chan who is a meme character at best. I wouldve liked if they took this opportunity to expand on the majima stuff more but instead we're stuck with a reallly silly narrative for him instead.
>The villain cast is a mixed bag too. On one hand, Watase and Katsuya are pretty great and Kurosawa is mostly solid. On the other hand Kanai is one dimensional, baba is a meme and Aizawa doesn't even know what he's doing which is really stupid.
>Park, while being mostly great has the unfortunate downside of being connected to majima. It's pretty sad because he couldve cooked in this game, but instead has no screentime and acts actively detrimental to the plot.
At least they retcon (?) some of this in 0 and k2.
>The overall plot is REALLY lame and doesn't even properly start until the THIRD chapter of the finale and a lot of what's there is unfortunately pretty dumb.
>I really like haruka and shinada's endings and its fine for akiyama and saejima But it is just SO weird to have AIZAWA of all people as the final boss for kiryu
it doesn't make any sense and feels like they pulled his name out of a hat. Its stupidly random, doesnt have any emotional impact at all and just really lame in general.
With that said I do like the ending even though its a cliffhanger and it does work wonderfully for the overall themes of this game

the best part of this game was seeing the "we are the yakuza 4" gif

What compelled me to play this on a Wednesday afternoon

"What the fuck!?"
--Andre Richardson, circa 2009

Game is awesome when its not going according to the script

Why does the main story of this game feel like a sidequest

Fantastic cast and good story, its just held back by some weird pacing and godforsaken level design
Even though the first half is rather weak the second half makes up for it by being fire af even if I'm somewhat mixed on the ending

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ruined me


In the dark age of the law where the law has been reduced to rubble-there is only one man who can end it...he who whispered into my years "In justice we trust!" as tears trickled down my thighs, I saw the holy visage of the angelic being Bobby Fulbright!

The area they added for this feels so empty and artificial its really boring
The main plotline and the side stuff is good tho, Kieran is pretty great
The terapagos plotline is kinda hacked on at the end ???? but its not bad either
overall both the expansions were pretty mid not really worth $35 price tag

ogerpon peak
also i love bullying children
nothing more beside that

This game is actually fun under all the parts that are uh...unfinished, but those parts hold it back significantly from being actually what it could've been.
Arven plotline tho, peak!

This game has exactly one thing going for it, and the only thing I'd recommend playing it for, which is the combat. Thankfully the combat is expertly crafted and very fun. Yes there's some REALLY grindy parts of this game in the post game and it does get really tiring if you want to optimize your characters to the fullest but the end result is extremely satisfying. These characters are also pitted against excellent bosses overall resulting in a very fun experience.

This game is the only party game I've had fun playing