Going into this game I promised myself one thing, that no matter what I would experience this game completely blind nor see anything related to it until it was finished. Now having finished it I'm so happy I followed through with that goal because Tears of the Kingdom is undoubtedly one of the best games I've ever played by far.

What Tears of the Kingdom prides itself on isn't it's beautiful art direction, or it's expansive combat, or it's plethora of content. Instead, what Nintendo have created is not just a game but rather an entire world brimming with life and charm that I myself felt a part of. It's a world with countless secrets, beautiful scenery, compelling characters, and fearsome foes waiting for you to challenge.

Someone once said that there are 3 types of incredible games: games that are worth buying at full price and playing, games worth buying an entire console or PC upgrade to play, and games that are worth getting into the hobby of gaming to play. Tears of the Kingdom is the latter. That's why, if you somehow have the luxury knowing little to nothing about this game, I implore you to play this game blind and experience a masterpiece you'll never forget. With that being said, my only "critic" is that I'll never be able to play this game for the first time ever again.

This review was written before the game released

They forgot to add the 1. in Overwatch 1.2. The game is overall solid but, for a new entry, literally nothing of note has changed and its clear is status as the sequel to Overwatch 1 was only there because a sequel would bring in more players than an update.

Hi-Fi Rush feels like a game from 2008 with the polish of a game from 2030 and I fucking love it because of that. In a world of live service games flooding the industry as FOMO limited events and battle passes are drip-fed to players as an incentive to continue playing and spend on microtransactions, this game is a breath of fresh air. If the beautiful cel shaded artstyle, the genuinely funny and charming narrative, or the expansive combat system and mechanics don't convince you to try this game then I honestly don't know what you're thinking. Above all else however, while tons of AAA games release in a buggy unfinished mess just to be playable after years worth of updates, Hi-Fi Rush feels like a completed game on launch clearly driven solely by the passion the developers have for their craft and I can't wait to see what Tango Gameworks makes next.

This game, not only encapsulated the Wario Land trilogy that inspired it, but completely surpasses it. Peppino feels incredible to control, the early 2000s cartoon aesthetic is visually stunning albeit grotesque in the best way possible. My only wish is that the game was longer as it only took me 6 hours to beat what I would consider to be the best 2D platformer I've played in years.

You know Sonic Team is fucked when an April Fools joke not even made by them ends up being more enjoyable than 90% of their games. The games like an hour and a half long and is overall just a light-hearted yet fun story so there's no reason not to at least try it.

Gameplay is incredibly replayable with the ranking system for each level giving incentive to master the tight controls and improve your time. The dialogue that literally made me want to slam my head into my monitor however ruined it for me.