9 reviews liked by GeraltVelus

A touching story with terrible writing. I think as one gets older, the story will hit harder, and i think some years from now i will replay this. I also dread the thought of when that time comes, as the protagonists can't stop making the most Reddit chonkers fedora m'lady comments every 30 seconds. The writing has aged terribly, and maybe talking like that 10 years ago was just a bit quirky, but then again, if i can't stand the writing now, how will i feel about this game replaying it 10 years from now?

your drill is the drill that will pierce the omnipotent computer!

This game has really good art of the characters.
Really hot art.
Hot girl art.
hot girl in swimsuits art.
They really gave everyone a fat ass and fat tits.

I sure hate mondays... and this game.

El juego es una obra maestra, ¿es que ustedes no lo comprenden o basicamente tienen internet?

I don't remember much about this game but I remember it being not good

Yeah, I like building things. I'm a simple man.

Valve reinventando los FPS y sentando las bases de un futuro brillante.

1 list liked by GeraltVelus