This was it, took me a long time to finally play it.

There's a lot of discourse surrounding it with it's "incredible" story and characters, and I would always be like "Yeah cool", but now that I've finally played it I understand. The story really is phenomenal.

The combat/exploration I also really liked, but I'm also a huge fan of classic Resident Evil so clunky movement and combat don't bother me in the slightest.

Absolutely incredible, thank you Team Silent

Far and away the best "soulslike" outside of Fromsoft I've played yet. It is much better than it ever should have, and fully justified the $60 price tag.

While I do have some qualms with the parry timings and just how spongy some of the later game enemies can be, it felt very balanced, not too easy or too hard (going in I hard heard that it was the hardest soulslike and I have to disagree. IDK if it's due to patches or if it clicked with me easily).

It has an actual story that is easy to follow by the standards of the subgenre, which I applaud, adding it it's already fantastic atmosphere.

This can't be good for me but I feel great

My favorite game of all time and it isn't even close