28 Reviews liked by Ghosah

رهيبة والله
جلدني كس

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

Inspiring JRPG that is remarkably well put together but also sabotaged by its release platform.
+ incredible main party whose members join up early and develop together nearly flawlessly
+ immediately gripping and unique story premise that carries multiple philosophical concepts to the end
+ another (expectedly) awesome soundtrack
+ over 20 distinct classes to be used on any character (including pretty costumes)
+ satisfying progression/upgrade systems
+ hardly groundbreaking but still fun-to-explore world
+ less janky ATB combat compared to its predecessor
+ smartly designed UI with a lot of convenient shortcuts
+/- so much build complexity that it becomes tedious to optimize (though sufficient automation exists)
- very useful yet tiresome special attacks
- occasionally annoying cutscene chains and some incongruence between gameplay and presentation
- underwhelming final chapter after the main story climax
- low visual fidelity and bothersome performance on original hardware
- mostly uninteresting villains who betray the narrative potential to some degree

mid game i forgot this was supposed to be a stealth game and went revenge murder rampage and killed anyone in my way

All I ask of Action RPGs is they stop being so mechanically simple if they're gonna clock over 25 hours in playtime.

piece of human shit
shitty game
a shitty community full of degenererts
shitty company
btw I LOVE CHINA 起来(1)!不愿做奴隶的人们!Qǐlái (1) ! Bú yuàn zuò núlì de rénmen!

把我们的血肉,筑成我们新的长城! Bǎ wǒmen de xuèròu, zhù chéng wǒmen xīn de chángchéng!

中华民族 (3) 到了最危险的时候,Zhōnghuá mínzú (3) dàole zuì wēixiǎn de shíhòu,

每个人被迫 (5) 着发出最后的吼声。Měi gè rén bèi pò zhe fāchū zuìhòu de hǒushēng.

起来!起来!起来!Qǐlái! Qǐlái! Qǐlái!

我们万众一心 (4),Wǒmen wànzhòng-yīxīn (4),

冒着 (6) 敌人的炮火,前进 (2) Màozhe (6) dírén de pàohuǒ, qiánjìn (2)

冒着敌人的炮火,前进! Màozhe dírén de pàohuǒ, qiánjìn!

前进!前进!进! Qiánjìn! Qiánjìn! Jìn!

this game is about me and my fellas, Gosha, Azoz, Abdo, Wail, and strange girl I don't know, and LUCY =^.^=

Rajang & goro magala having sex

the amount of people sucking on miyazaki's dick means we will keep getting content with artificial difficulty that serves as a purpose for the map-bigger-than-limgrave going forward, botw's influence on gaming was a mistake because every fucking company out there took its meaning from their ass, and this DLC and its base game is no exception

rest in posers souls circa 2022-24, now give me my armored core 6 DLC and I'll be a happy man

we are the owls who never cry and the tigers who never leave footprints

they say demons get locked in ramadan, i beat the shit out them in this game with my unga bunga fists


bruh fr wnna fuck a pixie

SMT fans when a game says "humans bad" for the 295746th time: "🤯"
(they will assure you it's peak writing)

Anyway, I think the combat is good, as well as level exploration (even though some areas are too stretched and some traps are annoying). The soundtrack is good too, but I'm not a fan of this style of music. The story is... Well, it is SMT.

36 hours in and I'm dropping it at Ouroboros 2nd boss fight. I'm just tired of this game