i don't think this game is perfect but i think it's an underrated game in the series. i've been playing this game on and off again for almost a year and a half. only going at it when in the mood and had a blast finishing it off at my own pace. i came to really enjoy eivor's compassionate but abrasive personality and thought her relationship with sigurd was pretty interesting.

really adorable game! extremely easy tho but still a lot of fun

wow such a fun time! honestly i was a little unimpressed by the gameplay. its not very deep and honestly kinda dull but this is one of the very few games where the characters and story are able to carry the entire experience. the versions of these characters are definitely inspired by their mcu counterparts but they aren't exactly copy and pasted. gamora and drax especially feel mostly unique while still retaining what people love about them. rocket and groot are the ones who feel the lease unique but i'm okay with that. i think for some people the unengaging combat or those who dont care about stories in their games will be turned off but for anyone willing to push through i think you will get a rewarding experience especially if you already enjoy the guardians

an absolute masterpiece. i don't have much more to say than that. phenomenal


loved this game so much! it was so cute and the relationship between characters were so wholesome and even when they were arguing or didn’t see eye to eye i still felt the love between them. the gameplay loop was a lot of fun, altho i do wish the gliding mechanics were a little more smoother. it felt kinda stiff sometimes and maybe it was on purpose but i felt like it would’ve been a lot more fun if you had more freedom to move however you wanted instead of being restricted with having to drift if you wanted to make a sharp turn

surprisingly a lot of fun! well i say surprisingly because i didn’t really know what to expect. i’m not really used to this genre of game but i had a blast with it! also i love the idea of befriending the other super heroes! it really added a lot of depth to some characters that i didn’t really know too much about

the game isn’t perfect and honestly the environments look really rough and nothing like a sonic game should but the open world gameplay is addicting and so engaging the flaws of the game melt away for me. i absolutely loved my time with it and can’t wait to see where sonic goes in the future

a huge improvement over the first game! had a blast playing through this one

genuinely one of the most boring experiences i’ve had playing a game in a really long time. i went into this hoping to love it as much as i possibly could but i just couldn’t. i have no doubt this game was a masterpiece when it first came out but playing it for the first time in 2023 it’s hard for me to recommend anyone playing it who hasn’t before

such a really cute game! the main thing that held it back for me is that the controls felt very stiff. i know the gameplay is meant to feel similar to littlebigplanet but in 3d but i think it would've been a lot better to let things be a little more fluid. the game is adorable tho and that lbp charm really shines through all the way until the end

still one of the most tragic gaming experiences of my life this game broke me both times i've played it. only play if your a masochist

4 stars for gameplay
-1 star for story

an absolutely frickin masterpiece just top to bottom incredible work

cute game but honestly didn’t play a whole lot of it

really cute and lots of fun but feel like they could’ve done more to really add to the experience rather than just creating the same exact game all over again. kinda lame they didn’t even bring back clancy brown to replace that awful mr krabs impersonator and that’s just the easier thing they could’ve done to enhance the experience