This is the most generic and forgettable JRPG I've ever played. I can't remember a single thing about the story or characters. It's all quite bad. The gameplay and soundtrack aren't particularly good, either. IIRC, the final boss doesn't even get its own theme.

Awful fighting game. The controls are terrible and the graphics are poor.

The Famicom version is better. The audio downgrade is noticeable and the difficulty increase is completely unwarranted. Localizers shouldn't be messing with the game difficulty. Play that version instead.

Review in progress:
Feels rough by today's standards. The open world is cool, but everything lacks the refinement of later Zelda games.

Bailed during the first all-stealth level. Bad stealth is bad.

Will try again if it gets added to PS5 backwards compatibility (so never because they don't care). Not a big realistic racing fan, but this seems well-made.

Abandoned after an hour. Felt like a mediocre platformer, third-person shooter, and stealth game combined into one underwhelming package.

There isn't any reason to get this over the rerelease. The only advantage of this version is that the 3DS does a better job of hiding how ugly the graphics are.

I don't think they know what classic means.

It's decent for arcade standards. I like that there's a map to "explore" instead of relegating you to one screen like with most early arcade games.

More like "Mother of all grinding", amirite? Sorry about that.

Review in progress:
Overrated. Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete has a basic anime JRPG story with dull characters and an uninteresting world. The combat system is simplistic and repetitive. It looks underwhelming graphically. They could've put a lot more effort into the PS1 version. The soundtrack is also forgettable.

The localization is atrocious. I hope you like unfunny humor and lots of pop culture references!

No forced Miyamoto motion controls, but you're stuck with 240p 30 FPS. Feels a bit creatively bland/conservative compared to Tropical Freeze. The bonus levels are pretty good. I wish there was a definitive version on the Switch.

Review in progress:
A decent third-person shooter that doesn't do anything new or interesting, but is fairly polished. All of the levels sort of blend together mechanically and it becomes repetitive by the end. Great graphics for the time. The story isn't very good and doesn't feel like a natural continuation of the first two game in the trilogy. The frequency of the cutscenes is jarring and it hurts the flow of the gameplay.


Not a fan of sports games. I can see why people like this, but it isn't for me.

Having to repeat the same race three times in a row to progress is annoying, especially since you can't save between sessions.

I was mostly interested in the exploration aspect of SSX 3 and it failed to deliver. There are lots of off-limits areas. It's hard to feel like you're exploring when you can only go downhill/in one direction without needing to fast travel. The "extra/hidden" areas are literally signposted, so there's no real sense of discovery.

The graphics look good on Xbox One/Series X given the game's age. The character models are a bit dated, though.