Shovelware from my childhood. This was an awful follow-up to Spyro 3.

Not my thing, but I can see how it could be appealing to a specific (submarine-loving) demographic. Abandoned quickly.

The writing is good and the premise is unique as far as video games go.

Grim Fandango Remastered feels lazy. They should've implemented an optional hint system. The graphics are barely improved over the original.

I played for an hour or two. I'm not a huge fan of point-and-click adventure games, and the puzzles were getting frustrating/moving into moon logic territory.

Where's the fast-forward button? What a horrible omission. Quit early on.

Where's the fast-forward button? What a horrible omission. Quit early on.

Review in progress:
Shovelware from my childhood. A merely adequate 3D beat 'em up.

Review in progress:
The combat is very basic/shallow. You just deflect everything to instakill. The character models look off, even by 2009 standards. The story isn't good. The villains are all forgettable and are cartoonishly evil. It's lame that you need to mod your save file to get the DLC content now because Ubisoft abandoned the game. Like with Rockstar's games, the mission design feels outdated: you have to do exactly what they tell you to with almost no room for creativity. It's suffocating. Missions are all easy and/or frustrating. There are lots of tailing missions and missions with instant fail states. The missions where you can't be seen are particularly abysmal, and I'd argue that they're outright broken.

I feel more like an errand boy rather than a cunning assassin. What's the point of having an open world when you'll be following a script for most of your playthrough? I don't find the climbing very engaging because it's mostly automated/thoughtless like in Uncharted, but it doesn't control quite as well. Cutscenes are unskippable. There's almost no color in the world. It's like they turned the saturation down to 0.

Review in progress:
Shovelware from my childhood. Doesn't do anything to improve the formula.

Review in progress:
Shovelware from my childhood. The core mechanic of drawing loops and trying to not have them get broken isn't interesting enough to sustain a whole game. Features the poor writing that Pokémon excels at. Bad soundtrack.

Review in progress:
Shovelware from my childhood. A small improvement over the original. They added a bit more depth to the looping/combat system, but it's still pretty dull.

Review in progress:
Shovelware from my childhood. An extremely basic, bland, and repetitive action game. The character models look super half-assed.