Fuck Castlevania get Alex from YIIK in this bitch. Also did you know some guy just owns Castlevania? Like Konami does not own that shit anymore. Wild fumble.

Similar story to Undertale. Watched Sean play it. It’s great.

They ain’t lyin with that Super shit. I still need to play Dread but might be my favorite Metroid

Dude…5 years in the joint made him a fucking pussy 🤕 (also I beat his ass with silly gun)

The Earthbound inspired Mother triple A rpg

This game has ______ from ________ killing zombies

Shi got me cozy during that pandemic. Though it ain’t hitting like New Leaf.


This game at its peak was absolutely delightful. I got like 70 hours in this bitch. But they really did fumble the hype. Obvi still a good game but it will never reach those heights again. Hastune Miku.