How do you NOT fuck with Kirby. The smash power up will never be topped, but goddamn that last one you get is cool. Like bro it’s da service but I’m a fan.

How did they make Overwatch worse. Also how did they fumble the Cowboy Bebop collab. Blizfart.

DarkSouls Remastered is the Dark Souls of Dark Souls game journalist pizza gate

This games soundtrack is better than Persona 5’s


Why is it called Final Fantasy if there’s like 15 of them 🤓

I hope you can gamble in this game

Erm I think there’s like dick and Cock in this game

Why is this game actually kinda hard though. And why does it hold up so well. I didn’t grow up playing this game but like damn it’s a good ass game. Shoutout to SimpleFlips.

Holy fuck DasBootDude and ShotGlassGal