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I absolutely hate like 85% of this game, but from the Cosmic Egg onward (including Twisted Tokyo), this suddenly becomes much better; though, no amount of solid boss encounters can save the jaw-droppingly terrible story.

A total rebirth for SMT at the time, and the origin of nearly everything good Atlus has made since--Nocturne remains, even 20 years later, the best game in the franchise and, in my opinion, the whole genre.

A happy middle ground between the 3D SMT games (as well as Persona to a certain extent) and the classic 2D ones (including Strange Journey here). My biggest complaint is the use of multiple designers for the demons, which can end up making this feel like a fan game with how often art styles clash with one another--that and losing Kaneko as the sole designer for most things SMT is just a massive loss for the franchise in general.

Oh, and making you beat basically every shitty side story to complete Neutral is an incredibly stupid decision.