8 reviews liked by GnosticToker



Was initially turned off, by the "Oh it's not Prey 2" shit when this was announced, but quickly got over it. Once they started showing off gameplay I said oh damn looks cool. Then I went on to never getting around to playing it until now and sadly it's of course after recent unfortunate events with Arkane Austin thanks to Microsoft. Real damn shame cause what they delivered here, is the Alien game I wish Alien Isolation was.

Immersive Sim's aren't really a genre I touch much with my only real experience with them being the Bioshock games. And if you know me I like 1 and 2 and was unable to finish Infinite cause it bored the shit out of me. Luckily Prey is more like Bioshock 1 and 2 or its more actual direct inspiration, System Shock. While I haven't played it there's enough I know about System Shock to see that yeah, the devs were huge fans and it's all transferred very well into Prey. Love all the different ways you can take control of a situation whether that means being stealthy or loud. I myself am a violent caveman so of course I specd combat until I was in full on FPS mode and it worked so damn well and felt so good. Incredible shotty. As always, the gun any self respecting shooter should be judged by.

Anyways ends up being the Alien game I wish Isolation was cause it basically does all the same beats that an Alien game should do but it doesn't piss me off and the guns aren't worthless so it's automatically better there. Just wish there was more variety to the Typhon enemy designs, but I guess you can only really do so much with black corporeal slime.

Final twist for this is nuts too. Post credits had me grinning like a dumb idiot and it's a shame we won't ever get a follow up. Slept on banger, I know now.

This game is so jam packed with content, collectibles, and unlockables after beating it I'm actually genuinely overwhelmed and is that a fucking proper New Game Plus mode?

So happy all the marketing only focused on the village and castle and big mommy milkers cause GODDAMN you are not prepared for the ride that comes after that. Devs for this one off the goop for their taste in horror media.

Just wanna hang out with the lads and gals and talk about Takashi Miike movies all day bros...




Insanely strong until the post reveal chapters that sort of dip and even then I was still having a fuckton of fun exploring the areas the game would send you through and that cool ass chapter where your plasmids are out of line and randomly cycling was sick. Final boss clownshoes WE NEED BIG MONSTER MAN spectacle nonsense a lot of vidya fell for at the time.

Harvest or Rescue the ultimate WORDS AND DEEDS meme.

Over 15 years old and still shits on most games released after it.

If the remake is ditching the sillier aspects then it needs to be to third person shooters in the 2020s what this was for them in the mid 2000s.

>Survival Horror Game with no New Game Plus

Objectively better than the first game.