This is game annoying asf. The charm is the only redeeming quality

So many good memories of bringing my switch to school and playing with my peers.

The haters are wrong, this game goes crazy.

Picked the Blue Lions route, and loved the game. Combat is amazing. It's very simple for those new to turn-based strategy games (like me), but also has plenty of depth for those who want to dig deeper. The story (at least in the route I took) is amazing, but I don't want to get into spoilers. Dimitri is an amazing character. The mix of combat and social-sim is done very well here, much better than Persona 5 in my opinion. The English dub is pretty good and the music is also great. My main issues with this game are the visuals and the performance. I hate to say this, but the game looks like crap while at the same time having a frame rate that really struggles to keep up. If the game had more time in the oven, Intelligent systems could have improved both of these things and made a true masterpiece.

Honestly I was pretty let down by this game. The first is one of my favorites of all time, and this one just didn't live up.
The combat is fun, but it got old after a while.
My main issues are with the story. The plot here is pretty solid, but the characters are the issue. They just aren't well developed; the first game did a great job of developing it's characters, which is what made that story work. The success of this game's story relies on your attachment to the characters, but I feel like they fail miserably. Rindo is very under-developed and uninteresting, while Fret and Nagi are just jock and otaku stereotypes. The only characters I liked were the returning ones, but that was only because the first game succeeded in developing it's characters.
Other than that, while this game has a great artstyle, I wish a little extra work was done to the graphics. The character models are kind of low-res.
On a more positive note, the soundtrack is great, just like the first game. This time around the OST has a heavier and more imrpovised style, which I think is interesting.

I absoutely love this game.
The story is super interesting, with a lot of interesting themes that make the player think.
The characters are all great, and all feel well developed. The interactions between the main 4 guys are just perfect. English dub is also really good.
Gameplay is peak. I love the puzzles in this game, and there's so much replay value, like going for the gold trophies and getting different endings.
On top of that, this game is just oozing with personality and uniqueness.
I know some people didn't like the new content with Rin but I liked it.
A great work.

I really like the choice-based approach to this game. I also real like Hank and Connor as a duo.
That being said, as time has gone on, my opinion of this game has gone down. I can't help but feel like it's portrayal of social injustice is mishandled.

I love this game. I think it's far more unique and interesting than it's predecessor (which was already a great game). It takes a lot of risks but I think they really end up paying off. Story can be a little out of order, but personally I like stories that make you think. Gameplay also is heavily improved over the first game.

Personally I liked it more than the first. Really improved upon the UI and combat.

Was kind of getting out of my childhood Skylanders phase when this game came out, but it's still decent. Of the four I've played I'm gonna have to say it's my least favorite.

I respect this game, it's just not my thing.

Honestly not too bad, but not too great either.