This game is DECEPTIVELY difficult, often frustrating. Bumped the score down half a star, but the soundtrack bumped it back up again :)
Sncountered a few issues. Clipped through the floor a few times + sometimes steering while riding wouldnt work.

There was a point on the second island where I realized what this game could be. Then the 3 islands after that didn't live up to that. But that idea, what Frontiers could be, stuck with me. I hope Sega takes my money and makes a sequel that realizes that.

200cc online makes everything worth it

This game is such stupid fun i love it. It's a work of art

VERY short game. Beat it in under an hour. Enjoyed my time with it, tons of great ideas came from this that I'm happy stuck around. Though I wonder what Miyu and Fay are up to...


The game keeps throwing the feeling of "Wait, you could do that???" at you CONSTANTLY I love it. idgaf how hard it is, this game impacted me HARD i love it so much

I don't think I could ever be "done" with this game. I grew up with it idgaf I'm biased as hell 5 stars from me

god i wish i enjoyed rpg gameplay more. the style is INFECTIOUS