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5 days ago

EddyJpeg finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
a step forward from part one the game is just a lot more solid as a puzzle and action game but it does feel uninspired especially towards the later half as the puzzles become mind-numbingly straightforward and the combat becomes overly bs with wave after wave of enemies it just managed to lose most of my goodwill I had towards it in the beginning that being said probably still the best deathly hallows part 2 game the bar is that low

5 days ago

6 days ago

EddyJpeg finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1
i mean its alright. a isometric action game which is not new to the ds or even harry potter adaptations its just a bit of a bland period in harry potter games and this is no different its seriously on the same level of quality as the phone game which is kinda embarrassing but not like dreadful to play there are some unique ideas the game really wants to give you stealth opetions but they are just way too boring in execution also too many things are mapped to the screen its one of these ds games where you are meant to play basically with a stylus in your hand the whole game but this isn't like a puzzle game, its an action game for the most part and it does end up being a bit fatiguing and very hand cramping and final thing the potion brewing is brutal for no reason those timers needed an extra 10 seconds or at least change how hard you have to shake/stir anything before it actually starts working I felt like I was going to destroy the ds screen

6 days ago

Merkur_Schroeder commented on Merkur_Schroeder's review of Beneath a Steel Sky
@RedBackLoggd Hey, mate, just to let you know, I've started Beyond a Steel Sky and quit right after the gorgeous comic strip intro. Why? Because I've got no motivation to play a 3D runaround game with keyboard and mouse. Sadly I think I might have even paid a rather high price close to release, really having had high hopes. I should have researched better, but who would expect... Well, Monkey Island 4 and others should have taught me.

6 days ago

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