Bought this game for a dollar, As a fan of pre rendered SNES Aesthetics, this is a fun, hour or so game that's really simple, but for a dollar is well worth it if you enjoy short, simple experiences with visuals similar to retro titles like Donkey Kong Country, not much to say, fun game but not the most gripping thing in the world, and I wish there were more levels and unique gimmicks given how simple the gameplay is

Every now and then, I'll play a game a few years after it releases. Maybe I wasn't interested when it came out and my tastes changed. Maybe I didn't have the money and wanted to prioritize other things. And then sometimes I can't justify why it took me so long, and I get super upset with myself for not having tried the game sooner, because it's just that good. Celeste is that game. I can't believe it took me 5 years to get to this, and while I've still got to collect the B side tapes, strawberries, unlock the final chapters and collect some of the other myriad collectibles this game has, right now I can confidently say that I am dumb and should feel bad for having missed a game this emotionally strong, mechanically tight, and passionately made. If you have not, please don't pull a me any longer, and do yourself the favor of playing this wonderful game.

I probably give this game more credit than I should but I think it’s just too charming to say a bad thing about, it turns the most mundane, tedious task into probably the most fun game of spot the difference I’ve ever played, it’s got an intriguing story, plenty of different endings, a fun gameplay loop and characters that stand out despite not seeming like the type of game that would need them. Now my judge of the characters is probably warped due to having watched several different creators play this game and give their own spin on the different recurring faces, but I find that when I play it I can easily see all the foundation for those interpretations is within the game itself, so I can’t say it doesn’t have charm. And that’s the best word for this game. Charm.

I wish I could tell you why I love this game so much, but I just do. I'm not typically a fan of horror games but this just makes it so funny while still preserving some good scares that as of right now have yet to lose their edge. Lethal Company is unique in that it has managed to simultaneously bring out my desire to win while also making me want to goof off and mess with my friends, it's a very fun experience. I don't want to hand out too many praises for this game as it's still fairly new but honestly this might be a new multiplayer staple for me, and I look forward to seeing where we go from here, happy hunting, fellow employees!!!

As someone with a huge amount of affection and nostalgia for the Jet Set Radio Franchise, the fact that this game not only lived up to the expectations I had for it, but managed to become a game I enjoyed more than those classics. Yeah I'm not even kidding this may be my GOTY great game please play. (I'll make a more in depth review once I replay the whole thing a few times)

This game is very fun. I played it very late, if you couldn't tell, but despite the revolution this game brought about in thinking with portals, I feel that this game mostly stands on the writing these days as while it's a fun puzzle game too much of it, necessarily so, had to be very simple to introduce people to the concept of using portals the way the game expects, but I would've liked to see a challenge mode after the main game that included some more complex puzzles, but I can't be too harsh, this game was still pretty fun, I also just wish there was more of that amazing writing wink wink nudge nudge

Yeah this game is really fun, I think my preferred flavor of puzzle game falls more onto the side of tetris and puyo puyo, but this game is a really fun set of challenges, but what really gives it my stamp of approval is the amazing writing. Seriously GladOs and Wheatley are some of my favorite antagonists in gaming at this point, and that ending had me stunned in a great way. Fun game, not top 10 material for me personally but I respect the hell out of anyone who says that it's theirs.

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I'll be entirely honest, this game didn't do it for me at first, I'd say for the first 4 missions I was really starting to wonder if character action games weren't for me. Then I hit mission 5, and everything clicked, specifically with the fight with Agni and Rudra, something about parrying their strikes and hitting them so hard their sword-heads fly out of their hands, then from there I got their weapons and oh my god I was having so much fun, and then getting to mission 7 and fighting Vergil and having it be one of my favorite bosses in recent memory, and each Vergil fight brought a new twist to the formula and the game just clicked for me so much and next thing I know I've put 30 hours into this game over the span of a single week, and continuing to grow that number, 100%ing the game with both Dante and Vergil, planning to see how far I can get in terms of the harder difficulties, not to mention the freestyle mode added in the switch port (my main method of getting that sweet sweet stylish goodness, although I occasionally dabble in the PC port a friend gifted me a copy of thank you you know who you are) I feel like this is a game I'll continue to come to learn and master, because that process is absolutely thrilling so far and this game has cemented itself as one of my absolute favorites, from the style to the presentation to most importantly that crunchy gameplay, this game is an absolute masterpiece, can't wait to play 5!!!